My First Tour/Concert.

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I woke up to my mom shaking me. "We just went home to get your sleepover stuff and now we are at your friend's house. It's okay if you don't want to go,"my mom said with a smile. I didn't want to go because I was sleepy, but I promised my friend I would go. I nodded and kissed my mom and Frankie. I grab my sleeping bag and stuff and headed for the doorbell.

Ding dong.

The door opened and Sophie's mom was there and she said, "Oh, Grace! What a pleasant surprise! Come on in! Sophie! Grace is here!". I smiled and waved hi and ran up the stairs. The way to get into Sophie's room was to go up turn left go straight then turn right. I opened the door and saw Sophie with ONLY boys. I stood there just staring at Sophie then the 2 boys. They looked like our age but still, I thought there would be other girls too.

Sophie looked at me and then said, "Oh, Grace you're here! Boys this is Grace." One of them looked up then down at me and nodded. "Grace the one that's blonde is Jonathan and the browned hair one is Erik." I smiled a fake smile and waved. I drop my bags and me and Soph went on her bed and sat. The boys were on the floor just on their phone. I whispered to Sophie, "Who are these boys? I thought you said friends!!". Sophie smirked and said, "They are my friends! By the way, I call Erik." I didn't know what she was saying but the next thing I know Soph held me back then said, "We're going to play a game. It's called spin the bottle." It was all so crazy so I just pushed her away, grabbed my stuff. I reached for the doorknob and then Jonathan said, "Stay please." I kicked him and then went downstairs. I waved bye to Sophie's parents and called my mom. Once they got here, I hugged my mom and started crying.

My mom hugged my tightly and then my mom said,"It's okay honey, what happened?". I knew I shouldn't have told her, but I did. I wanted it to get off my chest. She gasped then just hugged me. "It's okay, you never have to see Sophie again!".

   "No, mom. It's not Sophie's fault at all! It was one of the boys named Jonathon. He wanted me to stay. I texted Sophie while I was going downstairs and she said 'I understand'.", I said sniffling. My mom just nodded
while hugging my tightly. She did this till we got home.

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