Our Mistake Might Not Be A Mistake Anymore. (Ch. 2)

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    -5 weeks later- I missed my period by 5 days. I was getting concerned as I know it was possible I could be pregnant. I was scared and started crying. Was I really ready to take on the challenge of motherhood?
      I went to the store to buy a pregnancy test, which by the way, is very awkward at 14. I decided to go with one that would give me the most accurate of results. After I got back home I spent some time in my room going back and forth wondering what the answers are going to contain. I decided to go take the test as I was so nervous. -15 minutes later- The test has been face down on my vanity for 10 minutes longer than it should. I'm so scared to find out the answers. How would I tell my mom, my dad?! I had no idea, but it was time to flip the test. I quickly grabbed the test and on a count of three looked at the results. The test read: 'pregnant'.
        Oh my god, what do I do.. How do I tell his family? How do I tell mine? What will the kids at school think? Will I be called a slut or something worse? I have no idea what to do. I went to my fuzzy rug and layed on my stomach gently, and cried with the test in my hand. I ended up crying myself to sleep, and two hours later I woke up. The pregnancy test wasn't in my hand anymore. It was underneath my dresser. I quickly realized what happened earlier and started crying louder than earlier, just wanting comfort from someone. My mother runs in the room as I hide the test behind my back. She looks at me and says, "Zoie, what's wrong? You've been crying for the past 3 hours. Something isn't right.. Zoie you can tell me anything. Just tell me what's going on." I handed her the test. I knew what was going to go down, or at least I thought I did. I thought she would yell at me. I thought she would hate me and kick me out of the house.
      My mom started crying with me. She kept hugging me and she finally said with tears rolling down her cheek, "It'll be alright my sweet, sweet Zoie. We will get through this, together." I quickly looked into her eyes and I knew deep down inside she was disappointed in me and was hiding it to make me feel better. She was so understanding I wasn't going to bring it up now. I looked at her and said, "Mom, you promise you don't hate me?" She looked at me with a smile and said, "How could I ever hate you, my daughter, the carrier of my first grandchild?" She smiled and the final tear she shedded that moment rolled down her cheek. She told me before she left my room, "We can get through this. You can do this and everyone who needs and wants to except you will." I thanked her for being so incredibly kind and smiled at her as she walked out of the room. Man do I have such a great mother.
        As I went to bed that night I remember that this baby is gonna be a blessing and from that moment on, I wasn't ashamed of my baby. I fell asleep with the thoughts of me as a mother, it made me scared but happy unlike earlier. -The next morning- I knew today I wanted to tell Kyler (boyfriend) as I wanted to tell him before anyone else besides my mother. I asked my mom to schedule me an appointment to see how far along I am.

As she did that I got onto my phone and texted Kyler this:

Z- Hey.. we need to talk asap. You busy today?!
K- No, I'm free today. Is everything good?
Z- I'm good, but I don't know how good your are going to be. Meet me at Starbucks in 20?
K- Yes of course, leaving now.

     I asked my mom to take me to Starbucks so I could give Kyler the news. She agreed and we got into her car and she started driving. "So are you gonna be ok there all by yourself?" My mother asked. "I'll be ok.." I said as I put on my jacket. My mom pulled into the parking lot and I saw Kyler's truck already there. "Wait for me out here mom?" I asked. "Anything for you." My mother replied.
         I got out of the car and walked into Starbucks. I went to buy me some hot chocolate as I was thirsty. I sat down at the table Kyler was at. He looked so damn good today. I smiled at him and said " I'm pregnant." Oops.. I didn't want to say it like that. Well now he knows. Kyler responded with, "Wow.. um. It's ok. Like we said, if it happens, it's gonna happen." He looked at me. Without anymore words he kissed me and I looked into his eyes. I could tell that everything was going to be alright. I kissed him good-bye after eating with him and headed out the door. I got up into my mom's car with a gigantic smile and told her, "This baby might have been a mistake, but I can tell that it's the best mistake I have ever made." She looked at me and smiled as she started driving home.

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