Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Dobby R.I.P

Draco stared out of the window, looking longingly at the Gryffindor Tower. He sighed and turned away. It was never going to happen. Hermione loved someone else, he knew that, yet he still couldn't stop thinking of her. He sighed once more and stood up. He closed the drapes hanging from the top of the arched window and began to climb into his bed.


Draco turned around to look at Crabbe in the bed across the room.

"What is it, Crabbe?" he snarled.

"Oh, you're still awake" Crabbe stated.

"...Well isn't that obvious? What did you want?"

Crabbe looked at Draco. "You seem angry. More than usual."

Draco sat on his bed and turned around so he wasn't facing him anymore. "I'm fine," he said defensively.

"Its Hermione, isn't it?"

Draco's angry facial expression softened and he turned to Crabbe once more. "How did you know?"

"You're always thinking about her, Draco."

"Ha! I am not!" Draco scoffed.

Crabbe rolled his eyes. "Draco, you need to forget about her. You know she's in love with Weasley. She's mad about him...and he's mad about her."


The Gryffindor common room was quiet, save for the quiet scratching of Hermione's quill and smashes coming from the game of wizard chess Ron and Harry were playing.

"Harry? Harry! Come on it's been your go for ages hurry up! What's so interesting out there anyway?" Ron leant forward to try and see out of the common room window.

"Nothing," Harry replied. He quickly looked away and made his move in the game. Ron looked at him confused, but had to look away quickly before the confused look turned into a look of love. 

"I'm off to bed boys, I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow." Hermione packed up her books and went upstairs to her dormitory. She sat down with a sigh. Was Ron never going to see that she liked him?

Harry and Ron continued playing chess in a comfortable silence well into the night, neither of them realising the time. Ron looked at Harry as he began to make his next move. He couldn't keep his feelings a secret anymore...he needed to tell the truth.



"Listen there's something I need to tell you, I..."

Before Ron could finish, Professor McGonagall strode into the common room.

"Ah! Potter! Good, glad you're here, didn't know if you were off gallivanting on one of your midnight adventures and such."

"No Professor, we're just having a game of wizard chess," Harry replied. Ron sighed and got up from his seat. He gave up. Maybe him and Harry just weren't meant to be. "I'm going to bed, Harry," he stated.

"Oh, okay Ron, I'll see you in the morning," Harry replied. Ron exited the room and climbed the stairs to the boys dormitory. Harry stood up, taking his wand from his pocket. With a quick flick, the chess board flew across the room and landed neatly on the chest of drawers, out of the way. Harry turned to McGonagall. "What was it you wanted to speak to me about, Professor?"

"Well Harry, I just came to tell you that Professor Dumbledore wishes to speak to you regarding your latest quidditch match. If you could come to his office tomorrow morning he would be grateful."

"Yes of course, Professor. Is that all you wish to speak to me about?"

"Yes thank you, Potter," McGonagall replied. she turned around and left the common room, closing the door behind her. Harry picked up his books from the coffee table by the fireplace and walked upstairs to his dormitory. He placed his books on his bedside table and looked at Ron's bed. "Ron?" Harry whispered. "Are you still awake?" There was no reply. Harry was intrigued to know what Ron had wanted to tell him, before Professor McGonagall had interrupted. "Ron?!" Harry repeated, slightly louder this time. 

"Harry, be quiet!" Seamus hissed from the other side of the room.

"Sorry Seamus," Harry said, feeling guilty for waking him up. 'Oh well,' Harry thought. 'I'll ask in the morning.' Harry pulled his covers over himself and fell asleep. Ron however, in the bed beside Harry, was not asleep. He led there in silence, thinking about Harry. He didn't know what to do. He lay there thinking most of the night, until he eventually drifted of to sleep.


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