Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Snape. He could love <3

Ron was in shock. Hermione liked him? Actually liked him?! This was a lot to take in for Ron. He'd been friends with Hermione for years and had no idea she felt that way.

"Okay, Hermione I'm..." Harry had just entered the common room. "Ron, where did Hermione go?"

"She...uh...she...went...uh...yeah..." Ron stuttered. He slumped on the settee. The look of shock was still plastered on his face.

"Ron?" Harry said. "Are you okay?"

"Hm-hm," Ron nodded. "I'm fine. Absolutely fine."


"Yep fine. Why wouldn't I be fine? I'm absolutely fine! Yep, Mr Fine that's me. I'm fine! Hahaha! FINE!" Ron said manically.

Harry was bewildered by Ron's behaviour. "Ron. What is wrong with you? You're acting so, so weird today. First when we were at Hagrid's and now you're acting even weirder! What's wrong for crying out loud!?"

Ron took a deep breath. "I just found something out...and I don't know what to do..."

"What is it, mate?"

"Hermione just asked me to the ball with her."

"What did you say?"

"Well technically she didn't ask me, and technically, I didn't answer."

Harry sat next to Ron on the sofa, waiting for an explanation.

"She asked if I knew about the ball, and if I was thinking of taking anyone, so I said that Hagrid had told us and that I know who I'd like to take, but I dont think they like me. She then said that she knew that they did like me back and I think she assumed I was talking about her and then it all got a bit confusing and she stormed off."

"Who are you thinking of taking?"

"It doesn't matter don't worry."

"Tell me Ron, then we can go see this new student, Sherly or something weird, he can tell if someone likes you or whatever. It's great! I must ask him what spell he uses to find stuff out like that."

"What house is this guy in?"

"Ravenclaw I think. Ron? Ron where are you going!?"

As soon as Harry had said Ravenclaw, Ron had rushed out the common room to go and find Sherlock.


Ron stood outside the Ravenclaw door painting wondering how he was meant to get inside.


"Oh hi Luna! You alright?"

"Fine. What are you doing here? The Gryffindor corridor is that way. Thought you would have known after being here for five years."

"Yeah thanks Luna. I wanted to see the new guy. What's his name?"

"Sherlock? I'll get him for you."

Luna muttered the password and stepped into the common room, leaving Ron standing awkwardly outside once again. She reappeared a few minutes later with the tall Ravenclaw that had bumped into Hermione minutes beforehand.

"Thanks Luna. Hi I'm-"

"Ron Weasley yes I know. The ginger hair and hand-me-down robes say it all. Sherlock Holmes. What do you want?"

"Well my friend told me you could do this spell-"

"Which spell? I know a lot of spells."

"One where you can tell if someone likes someone else."

"That's not a spell. It's just noticing things. You're here because you want to know if it's worth you asking Harry Potter to the ball. It's not. He doesn't like you like that and is planning on asking Cho Chang or your little sister, Jenny is it?"

"Ginny. Thanks."

Sherlock waved his hand as if to say names were irrelevant and turned to go back into the common room.

'Oh, one more thing. When are you planning on telling your friends that you're gay? And try asking Seamus."

And with that, Sherlock flicked his robe behind him and went back into the common room, the painting slamming shut behind him.

"Well? What's the password boy?"

The Ravenclaw picture asked him angrily, snapping Ron out of his dazed state.

"I... uh... I'm not coming in."

"Well don't just stand there! You're blocking the corridor!"

"Right. Sorry."

Ron turned round and started to slowly walk back to the Gryffindor common room.


Thank you for reading Chapter 4. We hope you liked it! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2014 ⏰

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