Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Fred Weasley. You will be missed.

The week went by fairly quickly, without any strange happenings, other than Seamus setting fire to his rat instead of turning it into a goblet. Nobody told anyone else how they felt, which was starting to make the friendship a little bit awkward. On Monday, Harry went to Dumbledore's office to talk about Harry tutoring some younger years in quidditch. And then on Wednesday morning, Harry got an owl from Hagrid asking if Harry, Ron and Hermione wanted to come to his hut and meet his new creature that had hatched. Harry wrote back saying they would, assuming that Ron and Hermione didn't have any plans.

When Harry got back to the Gryffindor Common room he told Ron and Hermione his plans for meeting Hagrid. Hermione bit her bottom lip. "Um, Harry, I'm busy later. I have to revise for our potion exam." she said to him. Harry started to walk out of the common room with Ron following. "Oh okay. We'll see you when we get back," Harry said leaving Hermione in the common room surrounded by textbooks.

Ten minutes later, Harry and Ron had arrived at Hagrid's hut. Hagrid welcomed them with a bear hug, as he hadn't seen them in a while, and ushered them inside.

"So, Hagrid," Harry started. "What kind of creature has hatched this time?"

"Princess!" Hagrid called making a kissy noise. "Come here girl!"

A scuttling noise was heard throughout the hut. "Hagrid?" Ron said. "Please tell me its not what I think it is..."

A spider the size of a large terrier emerged through the open window. Hagrid smiled. "Harry, Ron, meet Princess."

Harry smiled uneasily. "Hey, uh, 'Princess'."

"Ain't she a beauty?" Hagrid said in awe. "Got her from a man down the pub, I did. Got her cheap, too."

Ron sat in the corner with Fang. "I am not going near that thing."

"Ron!" Harry hissed. "Is she, uh, dangerous, Hagrid?"

Hagrid hesitated. "Uh...the thing is I'm not really sure. She hasn't tried to feed on my flesh yet so I'm assuming not."

A whimper was heard from Ron and Harry rolled his eyes. Hagrid began to speak again. "Its just, ever since I lost Aragog, there's been an empty hole in my heart, you see. I've wanted another for a long time, but I haven't had the courage to go ahead with it. Too many bad memories, you see." 

"Hagrid," Harry said. "You do realise if anybody finds this spider, you'll be in a massive amount of trouble."

"I know, I know. I just want to keep her for a little while longer. She's good company, you know. And she gets along with Fang just fine."

Fang growled when the spider tried to move from its spot by the window. "Well," Hagrid said. "Most of the time."

Princess scuttled out of the window again and headed towards the forest. "You won't say nothing to no one, will you Harry?" Hagrid asked anxiously.

"Course not Hagrid," Harry replied. "Will we, Ron?" Harry looked over to Ron for an answer. Ron was shaking behind Fang. "Will we, Ron?" Harry repeated and Ron shook his head.

"Thanks very much, Harry," Hagrid said. "I appreciate it."

"So, Hagrid. Is there any other news you'd like to tell us?"

Hagrid thought for a moment. "Actually, Harry, yer there is. I was in the potion room the other day clearing up an experiment and I overheard Flitwick and McGonagall talking about a Christmas Ball. Its quite exciting if you ask me. I can finally wear the suit that my mate, Marcop bought me a few years back. Its been stuck in my cupboards for such a long time, it has. Wait there and I'll see if I can find it." Hagrid got up from the table and walked over to the cupboard. "Its in here somewhere..." Hagrid muttered. 

"Hagrid, we should really be going," Harry said. "My free period is almost over and I have an essay to finish."

"Oh no, that's okay, Harry! I'm sorry I couldn't offer you any food. you must be starving! Its just Princess has got quite an appetite. There's barely enough for the both of us as it is," Hagrid said. "No, you and Ron go back to your class or your dorm or wherever you go. I'll show you my suit some other time maybe, eh?"

"That would be great, Hagrid, thank you." Harry said. Him and Ron said their goodbyes to Hagrid and left the hut. "Um, Ron?" Harry said.


"You've got a bit of Fang drool in your hair."


Thank you for reading our second chapter. Its not a very interesting chapter but its a filler chapter for the exciting stuff coming later.

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