Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

We bounded into the room, faces upon faces looking up in our general direction from the outside through the gleaming glass windows that framed the small room. I could see The Order blowing kisses to his subjects , fully enthralled by the admiration but I knew soon he would be tired of doing so and check on his now most prized possesion. My heart pounded in my chest as we swiftly walked up to the corner of the room where Brayden was. I could feel Robert's shallow breathing as he pulled at the ties that held Brayden fastened to the chair with alarming strength. I had noticed his agility before but hadn't realized how strong he was, my stomach fluttered but I ignored the feeling as I threw myself down onto my knees and helped him, knowing we didn't have much time.

I could hear the sound of footsteps bounding up the stairs and I could feel the bile rising in my throat as my skin stung from the rope burn as I frantically tore at every single piece that was digging into Brayden's skin. “We're going to get you out Brayden.” I said as Robert managed to pull off the last rope, swearing as he got off of his knees and pulled Brayden up by the arm.

My stomach churned as I saw how weak and confused he looked as we dragged him across the room, had he been brainwashed by The Order or was it that his human body couldn't function correctly on Speight? I bit my lip hard sending a warm ribbon of blood onto my tounge as we slowly made our way to the white door in seconds, Robert pulling most of the weight, an unreadable expression on his face.

Robert placed one hand onto the shining silver doorknob, the other shouldering the almost lifeless Brayden. “Crap.” He muttered under his breath as he closed his eyes and listened intently, pressing his ear to the white door blocking us from freedom.

“Their all out there, I can hear them. They know we're here and they're waiting.” He whispered almost inaudibly as worry flashed into his dark eyes before it was gone in a second.

“How do we get out then?” I whispered back desperately, my hands trembling under Braydens weight as my heart beat so loud that I could hear it, my stomach dropped all the way to my knees. I could tell Robert sensed how nervous I was because he pulled his hand from the cold, metal doorknob and placed it on my shoulder squeezing gently.

“There is one way but it's not guaranteed and It won't be pleasant.” He finally said as he pulled his dark, warm gaze away from mine and aimed it towards one of the glass windows. I looked over and noticed The Order was gone from his podium and I could feel goosebumps rising on my arms.

“We cant...” I whispered as I continued to gaze outside, knowing exactly what he wanted us to do, it would never work.

“We have to. We'll break one of these windows, jump onto the podium and hopefully from there it's not a long way down because I don't think the human boy can handle much more of anything, we need to bring him back to Earth immediately.” His voice was grave as he slowly and quietly stalked towards the end of the room towards one of the windows, I trailed close behind, bracing myself for the noise and the impact when we would have to jump.. twice.

Robert closed his eyes as he raised one of his arms up , quickly bringing it down and shattering one of the glass windows sending a shrill sound throughout the entire mansion. The hairs on my neck stood up as I could hear the people outside the door jostling about, seconds from bursting in. “Now!” Robert yelled gruffly over the commotion as he grabbed Brayden completely and threw himself out of the window, landing swiftly onto the podium, a few feet away. I gulped pulling my long brown hair out of my face knowing I had merely seconds. I closed my eyes, blindly throwing myself out of the window which was not a great idea, but seconds later I could hear The Order and his minions throw the door open as I flew threw the sharp night air landing into Robert's open arms sending us both tumbling over.

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