Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Robert Knight

    I plopped onto my air mattress which made a light swoosh sound with the sudden action. I couldn't believe what just happened a couple of hours ago. For some reason The Order and his team of minions decided that It would be a-okay for me to blend into human customs which had never happened before to anyone else. This alone scared me immensly.

Why me? Why hadn't they made me disappear like the countless others that had went against their rules? Why was I special? My head pounded as my mind filled with questions and confusion fogged my brain, my brow furrowed deeply as I tried to think of a game plan. I didn't even know what to do anymore, should I continue faking human until I myself believe I am one or should I turn it down a notch? Should I continue seeing Brayden? What line can I not cross?

“Any help here?” I asked aloud to the small,empty room; hoping the useless brain chip would feed me some information , some instruction for once like it was supposed to do. But of course after minutes of waiting in sheer silence; nothing.

I groaned aloud in frustration as I threw my body down flat onto the mattress and pulled the blankets over my head, enclosing myself in complete darkness.

“I can help you.” A deep voice said out of nowhere. My eyes were the size of saucers as I clutched the blankets over my head with a grip so hard that my knuckles were growing white. My imagination swam with terrifying possibilities as I tried to decide what move I should make next that wouldn't end in complete failure. Even if I thought of a plan it wouldn't matter though because I was frozen in place like a statue.

“I'm not going to hurt you Valaria, I'm actually here to help.” I could hear the smirk in the mans voice and suddenly my body relaxed slightly. If he was going to hurt me wouldn't he have done it already anyways, and how did he know my name?

I slowly lifted the covers from over my face and peeked through the tiny slit trying to see if he was doing anything or holding anything that would signal danger, but from what I could see his hands looked empty and he didn't look like he was in predator mode. I continued to lift the covers until they were all the way off of me, shivering as I realized that the only that was between me and him was now gone.

Looking up as I bit my lip I was finally able to make eye contact with the male who had trespassed into my room. A look of amazement and recognition made it's way over my face as I slowly began to realize who I was staring at.

He stood there, shoulders back, chin lifted looking awfully regal. His dark black eyes shone dangerously as he gazed at me, unwavering. I gulped before squeaking, It felt like the air around him was different, glimmering slightly, but maybe I was just imagining it.

“Your...your-,” I began but then trailed off as I tentatively got up from the mattress and made my way to the other side of the room studying him from afar like he was an exotic bird or something.

“Yes, I'm Robert Knight, son of 'The Order' himself blah blah, awe inspiring..blah blah,” a look of boredom came over his masculine face as he slung himself into one of my small wooden chairs, propping his legs up onto my small bedside table carelessly. “Robert Knight is sitting on my chair and he has his feet on my table.” I could have swooned right there in that spot but I knew better.

Robert Knight was the closest thing anyone had to a crush on the home planet, although love; at least in the human sense didn't exist anymore Robert Knight was able to inflame a feeling of pure desire from anyone who set eyes on him. From his gorgeous dark brown hair, to his strong features, and their was a darkness to his eyes that lured you in, made you want to know more, I was pretty sure that if you looked hard enough you could get lost in those eyes. 

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