Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I could feel something jostling me awake as my eyes fluttered open slowly; trying to get a focus on where I was. “Wake up.” A deep , velvety voice whispered as he continued to lightly shake me, willing me to get up. “We're here.”

I slowly sat up looking around catching glimpses of gleaming metallic everywhere as I slowly remembered where I was and why I was here in the first place. “Are we here?” I asked hesitantly not sure if I wanted to know the answer. “Yes Valaria, You've been knocked out for hours, luckily for you; you slept through the whole flight.” Robert slowly got up from the side of the huge bed I was in and walked over to one of the spacecraft's small windows, gazing outside an unreadable look on his face.

“You don't have to do this you know, you've helped me enough.” I whispered, the sleep still in my voice as I wobbled out of the extragavent bed, letting out a huge yawn as I grabbed onto the iron frame to steady myself.

“Your right. I don't have to...But I want to.” Our eyes connected for a fraction of a second, the world stood still as we looked into eachothers eyes, sharing something. Something different, something we both didn't understand before the moment was ruined by the enormous man who had let us onto the plane sauntering into the room. Robert ripped his gaze away from mine, a slight redness coming onto his cheeks as he glared at him angrily.

“Sorry If I'm interrupting anything here..” The man mused, a tight, serious look on his face but I could see the amusement dancing in his steel colored eyes.

“But we've landed and I need you two off my aircraft. I'll be alerting 'The Order' that you two have arrived at the port.”

“No!” Robert nearly screamed before realizing what he had done and composing himself. The man's dark eyebrows shot up as he glared at him , the amusement now making it's way to his lips as they curled slightly at the edges.

“What I mean is I would like to suprise him so don't ruin it.” Robert said, pure authority, and confidence dripping from every word although his hands were trembling slightly. I hoped silently that the man wouldn't look down.

“A surprise?” The man said , an evil grin now plastered onto his face. “Very well then, wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.” He spat out the word sending a shiver down my spine as he stepped out of our way. “Now please, get out.” He threw out his long arm motioning us to leave the room and best believe we didn't need to be told twice.


“Be careful,” Robert warned as we trekked our way through the lush Spieghtian forest we had landed in a couple of minutes before, I had a feeling the man dropped us off in the middle of nowhere as a warning. I shook violently as I pushed thick branches and underbrush out of my way, hopping over fallen trees that threatened to pull my down with them. The foul, acrid sent of the Minkes wafted into my noise sending me gagging. “Where are we going.” I choked as goosebumps rose on my smooth, tan skin. I knew if we didn't find a town quick then we would be eaten by the wild, feriocious animals that made habitat in the thick underbrush of the Speightian forests. The Minkes being the most dangerous because of their razor sharp teeth and smooth lizard skin which secreted poison; the fact that I could smell their distinct scent and feel their presence in the dark forest scared me more than anything else.

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