Don't Hold Me Back.

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In the books I write, there will be swearing, so just a warning if you find that offensive...


I walked down the street as everyone watched and wondered what I'd do. Everyone in this town knows me as The Badass, creative people here right?! If you said yes, than you don't understand sarcasm.

I was heading to get my bike, after having her fixed. Don't get it mixed up with a pedal bike, it's a motorbike.

I would've taken my truck, but my sperm-donor hid the keys. I ransacked the house looking for them, and left it that way. So if your confused, it's a pig-sty in the house.

I got to the shop (also my job), and went into the back to see her all repaired, and the non mistakable, shitty fords! I walked into Dave's office for my keys, and handed him the money.

"You going to The Black Hole tonight, Tyler?" He asked, the black hole is an underground fight club. Also dancing and all that shit.

"Obviously, I need the money after paying you for my baby!" I joked. He chuckled and told me to be here and hour early for tomorrow. I agreed reluctantly. I got my red baby ready to leave when someone threw a book at me, they didn't hit me, they just threw it at me. I turned with a murderous glare, and seen Barbie herself (it's literally her name) with a triumphant smile.

"Oops!" she fake giggled. I punched her in the eye, kicked her in behind her knees, making her collapse, and got down next to her ear.

"Oops. Stupid bitch. Don't fuck with me." I growled and walked away.

I walked back, towards my bike, and drove off.


"Tyler!" I turned to see Andy, and Sam.


"Who's fighting tonight?" Andy asked, looking around for the competitors.

"Jake and TJ" I told her, while Sam walked over to the vending machine.

"Shit." She muttered when her money was eaten by the machine.

"You didn't do it right," I stated with a smirk "I'll show you!" I walked over and kicked the side, and the water bottle, along with about $20 in change came out.

"Jackpot!" She smirked and knuckled me. [A/N: here we call 'fist-pumps', knuckles]

"Nice kick"

"Good job"

"Could use you in the ring!" Was sent my way, after kicking the machine.

When I was in Tae Kwon Do when I was younger, people would come up to me, and compliment me on my kicking. When we used the pads for kicking, parents would hold them, and one mother wouldn't go in my row, she almost did, but she seen me...

Anyway, back to The Black Hole, we walked over to the ring, and both TJ, and Jake were ready to fight. I'm cheering for TJ, more so because he's my closest friend, and because I just want to see Jake get hurt, he's an asshole.

We heard the bell for the match to start, and everyone cheered. 85% of the crowd here cheered for TJ. He's a great fighter, and so far everyone he went up against, lost, their dignity and the match!

Jake, being the idiot he is, started, being the offensive. Everyone knows it's better to the defensive.

Jake threw a sloppy punch, which TJ then blocked, kicked him the stomach, uppercut him in the jaw, and brought his knee up while bringing Jake down, so Jake's head collided with TJ's knee.

"Winner: TJ Collins! WOO!" My other closest friend Daniel screamed. He was the 'ring leader'.

"Who's going against him now?!" He screamed again, no one raised their hand. Except for me.

"NO, SHE'S A GIRL!" Someone from the crowd screamed.

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" I screamed as well as Danny.

"Get up here!" He smiled "you got this!"

"You know I do!" I joked.

"Hey Ty, how's school?" TJ asked smirking, knowing I barely go. I exploded with laughter along with him. We sobered up before the bell rang.

We circled the ring for a little while when he finally came at me. I side-stepped and tripped him, sitting on his back holding his fore-arm and wrist, bringing his hand back and up the middle of his shoulder.

"Tap-out!" I laughed in his ear.

"Never!" He said and rolled so I was under him, and he was facing the ceiling. I brought my legs behind him, putting my feet on his back, pushing him off. He rolled off, and I jumped up.

"You suck Ty!" He said out of breath with a smile on his face.

"Meanwhile, you blow TJ!" I laughed and got of the ring. I collected my money, and left.


Sorry about the shortness, but that's what you get from a short girl! :P I'll try to write a longer chapter when I come up with an idea!


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