Chapter 13: Not over yet.

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Skyler's POV

I sat there, next to the beat up car. My arm was screaming in pain, as well as my head and ribs. I didn't tell Toby, but it really hurt to breathe. So, instead of focusing on the pain, I focused on the sounds of the forest. Birds chirping, wind blowing, the rustle of the leaves on the trees as they brushed against each other. If we weren't running from the law, this might actually be a nice vacation spot.

I was really scared. I had absolutely know idea what was going to happen to me or my sister. I've realized she is all I have left now. Mom's dead and Dad's insane. I don't know where we can go or what we can do to prove Cosette's innocence. I wish everything was back to the way it was.

I snapped out of my daze as I heard voices, that were not Cosette's or Toby's, getting louder and louder. Struggling to get up, I realized I was crying, not only from the pain but from the stress and grief.

I have to find Toby and warn him.

Clutching my arm and ribs, I stumbled around, desperate to find Toby. I walked down the way I saw him disappear and scan all around me. He disappeared into the forest, towards the highway, so I had to be careful not to be caught.

Wait. What if they already have him and Cosi?

No. No way he would let that happen. Toby would protect her. I know he would. Right? Yeah, he would.

"-is coming from that way. That must be where the car is. And judging from that fall, I'm betting that they are all unconscious. But that Cosette girl? Did you see her go crashing through that window?! She can't be still be alive."

My heart stopped.

"Yeah, and since that Toby kid isn't important, Marshal Rasp said we can just shoot him if he's found." The men laughed.

At least I know they don't have either one of them.

"But don't forget, we still need to find that kid Skyler. Handcuff him if he resists. Since he's just a little kid, we were ordered to say that Rasp's daughter brainwashed him and then send him to a mental asylum."

"Man, this story is going to make one big news story. And you know what they say about big stories! Big stories, big money!"

Okay, enough eavesdropping. I need to find Toby.

I swiftly hid behind the trees to slip around to the highway. I walked past a large sewer pipe when suddenly a hand was placed over my mouth and I was yanked inside.

Terrified, I tried to scream when I heard, "Skyler, stop! It's me!" I relaxed. It was just Toby. He let me go and I turned around to face him. "Thanks for scaring the crap out of me!" I whisper-shouted. "Your welcome. Now come on." he said quietly, waving me towards him as he walked deeper into the tunnel. I obliged. 

"Where's Cosette?" I asked. "I don't know. I was looking around the highway when I heard the sirens getting too loud for my liking, so I hid. I scanned enough perimeter to know she's not here. Did the cops get her?" 

"Not from what I heard." He sighed in relief. "But I wouldn't get too happy. I also heard that they would shoot you on sight once they found you. And take me to a mental asylum if I fought back. But I didn't hear any outtake on Cosette. They think she's dead. According to them, there's no way she could've survived the crash, since they saw her fly out the window."

He looked upset. Then again, I could be wrong, since I can hardly see in the dark. "She can't be dead..." I barely heard him mutter. 

I know, buddy. I don't think so either.

Cosette POV

I don't know how long I was out, but when I woke up, I was in some really thick bushes. My head was pounding, it hurt so bad. So did my wrists, legs and pretty much everything else. The prickly thorns weren't helping. It was hard to tell because of the trees but, it looked like it was evening, judging by the pink, red and orange sky and the most bright part of the sky was coming from the east. I tried sitting up, but my body screamed so much in protest, that it was useless. A particular spot on the side of my head felt cold but warm at the same time. It was also the place that hurt the most. I reached up and carefully felt around. 

I think I cut my head open. 

I pulled my hand back to  my face and looked. My fingers were now a bright red. Yep, definitely cut my head open.  

I managed to lift my head up a bit to examine my body. Bruised and battered with ripped clothing, but nothing looked broken. Lots of cuts too. Lots. I laid my head back down in the brambles.

Then I remembered. Where is Toby and Skyler?! That thought alone was enough to make me force myself up and move around. Eventually, I was up. It took a lot of yelling in pain and tears, but I did it!

God, please don't let me fall down. If I do, I'm just going to lay there and die, because I don't think I can go through that again.

I had know clue where I was or what was going on, but a lot of police cars were up on the highway, lights flashing. I decided to get out of here, because they were going to find me if I didn't.

After a long time of hiding, walking and- dare I say that awful word- running, I made it away from the police cars and all the lights. At the moment, I was walking on the road in a deserted area, after deciding to go the way we were heading on our chase. I was starving and exhausted. I didn't think I'd be able to go much longer. And through all of this, not a sign of Skyler or Toby. 

I was about to give up and just collapse on the ground when I saw a light in the distance. A porch light. 


I started jogging to the house. Right when I lifted up my leg to step up on the porch, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I collapsed.


Thank you for reading! I personally really like this chapter for two reasons. One, It's a lot more eventful, and two, it's much longer than my others.

Anyways, don't for get to like, comment, and share!!

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