Chapter 2: Why are all English teachers mean?

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"Young lady, where have you been?" Mrs. Arnold, my english teacher said as soon as I walked into the door. She had her hands on her hips and tapping her foot against the ugly carpet. I stood there in the doorway, frozen. I knew this was going to happen, yet I never was used to it. I was late to school at least once every week. And she was getting so tired of it, too.
Think Cosette, think.
"Uh, m-my brother wouldn't uh, wake up so I had to uh, pour water o-on him and he poured uh, syrup in my h-hair and I had to take a uh, s-shower." I said.
Real smooth, Cosette.
"Nice try Ms. Rasp. On your way to your next class, pick up a detention slip. Oh, and by the way, I'm monitoring today so, don't even try to skip." she said. A few people snickered. I sighed and slumped over to my chair in the back and plopped down.
I'm such a terrible liar.


As usual, English was a drag. I doodled in my notebook and dozed off a few times. Luckily, my best friend, Nova, nudged me awake before Mrs. Arnold saw me a gave me another detention. I swear, that woman makes her career off of her students misery. And by her students, I mean me.
After class, me and Nova walked to my locker and got out my next class's books. I never had the energy to carry my bag around with me so I just went to my locker every time after class. Nova chuckled.
"I just find it amusing that you manage to get a detention every week. Do you enjoy the emo kids and bad boys in there?" she asked. I rolled my eyes. We went over this conversation every week. "You already know the answer." I mumbled. She full out laughed then.

Nova was the out-going, cheerful type. She was lightly dark-skinned, with long, poofy hair. The ends of her hair were a dirty blond. She had full lips, and she always said that she needed to wear lipstick because if she didn't, she looked like she got stung by bees in her lips.

She patted me on the back. "Please, it brings joy to my ears when you say it. So make me laugh." she said, giggling. "Because I'm lazy and it's the only place I get to sleep at during the day." I grumbled, shutting my locker. "Well, you won't be sleeping today!!" she laughed. I grumbled some curse words about Mrs. Arnold under my breath.
I love my English teacher! She is the best!
Sarcasm included.
I started off to the office to pick up my detention slip. Mrs. Arnold probably already called the office and told them to start filling out my next slip. "I'll see you fourth hour!" Nova called to me as she started off the her next class.
Why are all English teachers mean?
After picking up my slip, I started to Mr. Ray's math class. He was one of the nicer teachers. Although his jokes were terrible, and he ate in class, he was pretty fun to be around. He was overweight and had a bald spot on the back of his head. He fell asleep during independent work time and tests. He was very hard to wake up too so, it became chaos when he fell asleep.

I entered the classroom and took my seat in the back.

You probably already guessed that I wasn't popular. I had only one true best friend, which is Nova. Plus, I wasn't good with crowds. I never was. When I was five, we were doing Show-and-Tell. It was my turn. I got so nervous I peed myself.
Yeah, not the best with crowds.
"Hello students. Please take out your textbooks and turn to page 432." Mr. Ray announced.


It was now lunch time. I always thought that lunch for seniors was too far away. I raced down the hall to my locker. When I arrived there, I noticed that the boy that had a locker next to mine was there.
I cannot remember his name, even if my life depended on it.
I opened my locker and shoved my books in the locker. "Hi, how has your day been so far?" he asked.
Great, he's going to start small talk.
Sarcasm included.
"Good." I replied, grabbing my wallet from the locker. "That's nice. How would you and your friend like to have lunch with me and a few of my friends?" he asked. I mumbled some curse words under my breath as I shut my locker.
The usual highschooler, huh? Trying to get to Nova.
"No thanks, we'll pass." I sort-of snapped. He looked taken aback. He obviously wasn't used to being turned down. "What?" he said.
Looks like I shot his ego.
"I said, no thank you." I growled.
"Please tell me your joking." he chuckled nervously. "No, she's not Chance. Now go away." said a girl, putting her arm around my shoulder.
Thanks Nova.
He mumbled some cuss words as he walked away. I turned to Nova.
"No problem. He's a player, anyway." she shrugged, walking off to the cafeteria. I matched her step. "How do you know him?" I asked. "How do you NOT him?!" she exclaimed. "Wait, I already know the answer. You live under a rock." she said, laughing. I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, do you need lunch money? I have a litte extra." I told her. "Yeah, I'm a few dollars short."

"Here." I said, handing her a five from my wallet. "Thanks. I'll pay you back." she said. "So far, you owe me fifty dollars." I laughed. She joined in.

We finally in the lunch room and we got to our table. Again, in the back.



I went to my locker and grabbed my stuff.
Wait, i have detention. Yay!
I trudged to the detention room. "Good luck!" Nova laughed. I glared at her.
Time for some quality time with Mrs. Arnold!!!!

Sorry this took so long to put out!
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