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HFD 01
words: 880+

Jess Morin

Ugh it's 2017 can 1d get back together already? soz

Right now I'm binge watching some of their video diaries on youtube being the couch potato I am. God, how I regret clicking on the first one. It just kept going on and on. One video led to another. All the funny moments, concerts. All the memories are flashing back and I can't help but feel emotional.

See this is what happens everyday when I go on Youtube or Twitter. Don't even let me get started on Tumblr- *Ringgggg*

I scramble off the couch and quickly search for my phone. " Alex💃" it showed.

"Ugh what now Alex? You interrupted my moment. How dare you." I chuckle to myself. This is Alex, my bestfriend.

"Jess" I can hear over the line that she was out of breath.. I can't help but laugh at her state. "Don't laugh okay? The second you find out about the news you won't be laughing."

"Hey, Lex? You okay?" I suddenly got worried.

"Jess. It's Harry. He's going on tour"



"Aaahhh!! Jess we gotta go!"

We were currently at school. It was lunch time and that means fangirl time.

"Alex I'm the Harry girl here. Chill" I laugh at her while the boys give her weird looks.

Me and Alex have been bestfriends since the sandbox days. When our family moved here to the Philippines and we entered high school we met additional three bestfriends.

Zion is the ladies man, pretty much all girls in our school likes him. He doesn't have a big head though, he's a gentleman I swear. Jay is a varsity jock. He plays soccer (football). Jay is the biggest sweetheart. Matt is the bookworm of the group. Academically inclined guy but girls swoon at him. That's why Alex and I legitimately look like potatoes beside them. The boys hate it when think that way but.... eh.

"True but this is his first and maybe,okay? Maybe last solo tour. Ya know because I'm still hoping for 1D to get back together. wink wink" Alex sighed.

Matt laughed at her "You know you could've just actually winked instead of saying it right?"

"Pft. Yeah but I would look stupid. My parents didn't give me good winking-genes" we all laughed at this.

"Shut up and help me look for the tour dates Alex" I playfully rolled my eyes. I passed her my laptop. "Let's just pray that Haz included Philippines in his Tour"

"Jesus, Jess" Jay groaned.

"Exactly! Jesus" I laughed.

Zion smiled and shook his head at us. "Count me in aye?"

"Yeah me too!" Matt seconded.

"Me three guys! Don't leave me out again" Jay said.

This is another reason why we all got along. You would never imagine them as fanboys but they are.

"Jess! Guys! Look!!" Alex squealed. We all looked at the screen.


"Oh my godddd" we were full on fangirling now. "Yes!" the boys high-fived each other.

We were interrupted by the loud ringing of the campus bell.

Ugh. "See you guys later!" we all got to our classes.

I can't help but think about how the hell am I going to tell mom.


After Matt dropped me home from campus, I took a bath and prepared dinner. And by prepare I mean ordered take out. I wasn't in the mood for cooking so I called my favorite sushi place.

When food finally came I called mom. I may live by myself but I still let her know what I am up to first.

I still go by her decisions because you know, mama knows best. I am a proud mama's girl. Gotta love her.

Mom finally picked up "Hey bub! How's school?"

"School's okay ma. How's Canada? I kinda, sorta, maybe miss it there" I chuckled at myself. Yes, I live by myself.

"Ah, Jess. You and Alex were the ones who wanted to go back there with your dad. I remembered how you learned filipino language just to convince us back then. You were so cute" she cooed.

"Ma, please. I don't want to talk about dad right now" I held back the tears that were threatening to come out.

Mom sighed "Jesse" silence was heard through the line then mom spoke. "What do you wanna talk about then sweetie? I'm sure there's something.. What did you call me about?"

"There's this concert-"

"Who is it this time?" mum interrupted.

"Harry Styles. Ma, please?" I was starting to get nervous.

"Of course hun! You can go. Isn't it Harry who you always talk about? You always sound happy when you mention him."

What? I can't believe this.

"What? Seriously mom?" I got so excited I literally started jumping.

"Yeah. Why not if it'll make you happy. How much is the ticket hun?-"

"Oh no worries ma. Alex and the guys are coming with. We got it" I smiled then I remembered that she couldn't see me. "Thanks ma, loveeee ya" I hear her laughing at my response.

"You know, I met your dad at a concert-"

"Mom" I groaned. I hear people talking in the background.

"Bub I'll talk to you later okay? They need me at work. Bye" I hear her make a kiss sound.

Before I say goodbye the line went dead. I love my mom to death but she works to hard.


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