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HFD 04

Jess Morin

It was Monday again. Yesterday was the best. Sadly, our facetime was cut because he was called by management but that didn't stop him from sneakily texting me through it.

Harry was so cute. He continued to shower me with compliments and I on the other side continued to awkwardly dodge it all. I'm not used to getting it. Harry saw all the bright side in me though and that makes me happy.

A sound of honking was heard. I frantically collected my things for class and sprinted out the door and into Matt's car. After I got in he immediately drove out of my driveway. We made small talk during the ride. Matt and I made lame puns again that made our stomachs hurt out of laughter.

When we arrived at the campus, the gang was already there. "Sorry we're late-" *RINGGG!* "Rude" the campus bell interrupted me.

We said our goodbyes and scrambled off to our classes.

The first class was History and our professor was speaking in Tagalog (filipino language)

"Class buksan ang inyong mga aklat sa pahina 201" he said then pointed the guy that was seated at the back "Mr. Gonzales pakibasa."

[a/n: "t/:" means translation]

t/: Class open your books on page 201

t/: Mr. Gonzales please read

The class got boring so I took out my phone and checked the time. Class is about to end anyways. Why not? I shrugged.

me: Good morning curlyyy 🌞


me: you up?

me: probably not :/

me: probably still drooling on your pillow wiTH YOUR MOUTH WIDE OPEN LIKE AN ANIMAL

me: awwwwwww harold

me: the image is stuck in my head 😍 lmfao


me: where is my man when i need him?

Curly 😍: Your man huh? 🙈

me: really? that's what you picked up from all that I just said?

me: dork

Curly 😍: Your dork

me: cheesy ew

Curly 😍: Shut up you love it

Curly 😍: Are you in class?

me: yeah.. why?

Curly 😍: Babe you gotta focus on your studies

me: i am focusing haz 😂

me: class is ending okay?

Curly 😍: I want our children to be smart

me: children?

me: children? meaning, plural?


Curly 😍: Only four

Curly 😍: Wait did you just agree to have babies with me Jess?

Curly 😍: We just took another step in this relationship

Curly 😍: Church wedding or beach wedding?

me: church

Curly 😍: Oh okay <3 as long as I'm marrying you

me: two children

me: wait what

me: harry wtf just happened

"Ms. Morin!!" Oh shit "Pay attention and put your phone away if you don't want to go to detention!"

"Sorry sir." Aw. Why is he such a party pooper? I put my phone away without saying goodbye to Harry. I don't wanna get scolded at again.

As soon as the bell rang everyone was pretty much out the door including me. Because I love school as fuck. Note the sarcasm.

"Boo!" someone whisper-shouted in my ear.

I was startled and my first instinct was to turn around and slap who ever it was an I did.

"Jacko! Oh my gosh. I'm so" I couldn't help but laugh while rubbing his cheek for him "Sorry."

"Ow! Jess, that hurt" he pouted.

"Who told you to creep on me like that?" I laughed at him. I stick out my tongue "You deserved it."

Jackson and I dated back in high school but didn't come to the point that he was my boyfriend. I had a big crush on him back then but I guess my feelings faded? We didn't want it to be awkward so we stayed bestfriends.

"Didn't you miss me Jesse?" he wraps his arms around my waist so I hugged him back.

"Aw! I did, Jacko" I pinched his cheeks and cooed. "You owe me a frappe at Starbucks though!"

"Jacko!!!" he was startled as his arms around me were snatched by the boys. They squeezed the hell out of him. Ugh, boys. I rolled my eyes as the started jumping like teenage girls. "We missed youuu" Jay rubbed his hair earning a punch from him.

"Hey!" Alex jogged to us then she noticed what the commotion was all about. "Is that Jackson?"

Jacko groaned "You call me Jackson one more time, I'll call you Alexandra" he threatened.

"Little Jacko, I missed you!" Alex then gave me a mischievous smile.

Oh god. I know that look.. Jess get ready for the teasing..

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