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"Ughhhhh I hate the first day of school" I mumbled to myself as I walked into first period. I'm 17 years old and in still feel like a kindergartner on the first day.
'Breath!!!!!' My stomach was in knots. As I walked in to the room I there were math posters all over the walls, 'oh great an over enthused calculus teacher at 7:30 in the morning. That's exactly what I needed' I thought sarcastically. My teacher was Mrs. Jenkins, she looked nice maybe mid 40s, blond hair and dark blue eyes. I zoned out as she went through the standard 1st day of school speech "hi my name is so and so,I teach this subject. You are not allowed to do this and let's have a great year". Second period went the exact same way with ms franks, then 3rd period came around.

Science. I like science it's constantly evolving ,therfore it is my favorite subject. I walked in and immediately I was comforted with the smell of cinnamon apples. That is my favorite scent. I choose a desk in the middle row and one desk over from the teachers. I was early so I checked out my surroundings there were a couple of diagrams hanging and some pictures on a board of past field trips. The bell rang and she walked in. "Hello everybody, my name is Ms.Grey and welcome to anatomy and no not like the tv show" she said with a beautiful gleaming smile. She had pretty brown eyes that sparkled under the florescent lighting. She had a skinny athletic figure "perfect" I mumbled under my breath."Im sorry?" all of a sudden I felt eyes staring at me. Immediately fell out of my trance "oh I'm sorry I was day dreaming" I said nervously "that's fine just please keep up. State your name and favorite subject" she said angelically.My stomach flopped "Rose and my favorite subject is science" I said with as much courage as I could muster."I like science too,next" she giggled. The bell rang and I was startled by its loud ringing. 4th period was boring as history always proceeds it's self to be. At lunch I met up with Lauren and Anna.

Lauren was the wild child of our group, doing anything she can to rebel all the time. Anna was our "conscious" in the group she was very innocent didn't like to get in trouble but with a drink in her wow that girl can kick off. We also have two others in our group Kat and Dylan but they are in B lunch. we have all been friends since from kindergarden. Lauren Anna and I sat at a round table out side and compared schedules. "You have Ms.Grey?! what is she like? I heard she was the teacher to get." "Geez Lauren my day was good and yours? Yes I have her, she seems nice and I hope she's a good teacher". I didn't want to be bombarded with questions so I didn't mention the fact that Ms.Grey was super attractive. Anna was a lesbian. She likes soft butch girls and Kat is bisexual but all of my friends were always cool with me being a lesbian. I didn't see the point of telling my parents yet. I'm not in a serious relationship and it doesn't seem relevant. "I heard some guys saying she had a great body in the hall" Anna said. "yea she's good looking" I replied as nonchalant as possible. When the day was over I noticed and gorgeous green Honda accord parked next to my average old white Toyota. When I got home I saw my mom quizzing my sister about her day"Hi sweetheart how was your day?" she asked enthusiastically "I survived" I said monotoned "how was your day Hannah?" Hannah is my 11 year old sister and today was her first day of middle school. She proceeded to tell me about the crazy adventures of middle school. After I had a snack I went to my room and started to fall asleep when I phone rang. With every move I moaned and groaned "Hello?" "What's shaken baby??" " Hi Kat whats up?" I asked trying not to sound like a zombie "Darren is having a party tonight lets go" "What time?" I asked enthusiastically " we decided that I would pick her up around 8 and be back before midnight since it was only Monday.

Around 7 I got up to take a quick shower. I put on a cute silk purple halter top and dark wash skinny jeans. I don't really wear make up except for eyeliner and mascara except for when I go out. I told my mom I was going to pick up Kat and we were going to go see a movie. when I got to Kat's she walked out and a gorgeous blue dress that flattered her in all the right places "Sexxxxyyyyy" I said when she got in my car "Thanks babe" she replied with a grin. when we get to Darren's music was blaring and it looks like the whole senior class is here. me and Kat gave each other that look like a kid in a candy store and immediately got started. Anna drove us all home since she refuses to drink during a week night because of school night and slept at my house. since I was the only one with a car it usually happens like this.

Tuesday I was in pain my head hurt and I felt like I was dead. Anna managed to get me in a shower and to school. I slept thought out 1st and 2nd period like most of my peers but in 3rd Ms.Grey was not having it." Come on everybody! up up up. its your fault for going to that party" her voice sent a terrible ringing though my ears so I I covered them with my hands . "sorry sweetheart but you did it to yourself" she said as she touched my arm. The moment she touch me. I knew that this wasn't a little crush on my teacher I needed to control my self and fast.

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