~where am I~

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                 Y/NS P.O.V

I hear doctors surrounded around me while I'm falling asleep from some medicine they gave me where am I?

You finally fall asleep

*Skip surgery *

The doctor comes out and tells your family some socking news

Doctor: her memory loss was too major for us to fix and he brain has a huge bump in it and it could kill her it's all up too her if she lives or dies she is in a coma you may go see her

Your mother is crying, your dad is comforting her Grayson and Ethan run into your room

Grayson goes into your room and sees you laying there

Grayson sits down and says some words

Grayson: y/n I know you can't hear me and I know you don't remember me but I want you to know that I love you and you make me feel like no one else has made me felt before and I know I've only know you for a day but I just want you to know that I will always love you and will always be here for you and I will never leave your side and you have to wake up and come out of this coma better than ever I love you

Little did Grayson know you could hear him the whole time


And if you haven't followed my bestfriend aliyah WHY? follow her AliyahLexus1 she writing the next chapter so yeah and aliyah if your reading this I love you too💜

Is It Worth It? / Grayson Dolan imagine Where stories live. Discover now