~The Phone Call~

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It's 4:00 in the morning and you hear Graysons phone ringing

Y/n: Baby..Your phone is ringing

Grayson gets up and answers his phone, he puts it on speaker

You hear a voice it's a girl

Voice: Hello Grayson remember me?

Grayson: Tessa?

Tessa: That's right baby that's me

Grayson : one I'm not your baby anymore and two why are you calling me

Tessa: because I miss you Grayson let's get back together

Grayson : No Tessa I have a girlfriend

Tessa: she doesn't matter u know you still love me

Grayson: no I don't Tessa you cheated on me with 3 guys

Tessa: Fine then prepare for me to make your life a living hell

Grayson hangs up and you say something

Y/n: Grayson, who was that?

Grayson : my ex Tessa she's crazy

Y/n: where does she live?

Grayson : about 5 mins away why?

Y/n: Grayson, put your shoes on

Grayson : why?

Y/n: because I'm going to go beat a bitch to sleep

Grayson : baby no we can't go there

Y/n: why not Grayson

Grayson : because she's crazy

Y/n: what's her address

Grayson : 306 Bareback street....  FUCK WHY DID I TELL YOU THAT

y/n: you can stay here or you can come with me it's your choice

You walk out of the door and u get to your car and then you see Grayson walk out and he gets in the car...... Then she calls again

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