2- The dog-napper

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"Come on, Francis!" I whisper-yell at my bestfriend's corgi. I begin to untie her collar from the post when I'm stopped by an all too familiar voice. I'm not sure why i thought this was a good idea.


I woke up after yet another dog dream. I've always wanted a dog, but I'm not allowed to have one. I ask for one every Christmas and Birthday, but it's always the same old answer. "You know very well we can't get a dog, Stella," is what my mom constantly tells me. "Your dad's allergic. We can get a cat instead." No one wants a cat.

As i got out of my comfy bed and proceed with the day, an idea came to me. Maybe if i saved all of my money, I could buy myself my own dog. It could live in the garage, and I'd look after it.

I finished brushing my teeth and headed downstairs for breakfast. If mom is in the kitchen, I'll tell her about my plan.

As i entered the kitchen, the amazing smell of chocolate chip waffles floated through the air.

"Good morning mom," I greeted, sitting down at the island.

"Hello hunnie. The waffles are almost ready." my mom replied.

When she finished the first batch, she took two plates and passed one to me. She sat down beside me and grabbed a waffle, placing it on her plate. As she drizzled syrup on it, i got ready to pitch my idea to her.

"So, I've been thinking..." I began.

"If this is about you getting a dog, the answer is no." My mom responded, turning to me.

"Just hear me out, please." Maybe she would change her mind after hearing what i had to say, i thought. When mom didn't reply, I continued. "I can save all of my money and prove that I am responsible. The dog can sleep in the garage and i'll do everything. Please?"

"Stella, it's not that I think you're not responsible. Your dad is really allergic to dogs. I'm sorry." She wasn't sorry. She just doesn't want me to have a dog. I doubt dad is even allergic to them, i thought to myself, bitterly.

"Okay," was all i could say. We sat in uncomfortable silence While we ate.

Soon, I finished my breakfast and began to walk to the front door to leave. I had a way better idea now.

"Mom, I'm going to the mall with Sarah. I'll be back before dinner." I shouted as i grabbed my keys.

"Have fun. Love you!" My mom called out before I went outside.

Sarah is out of town, but my mom doesn't know that. I had the perfect plan. I'd go to her house and take her dog for a walk. Then, before they get home, I'd return her.

When I got to her house I parked on the side of her house so no one could see me. I saw Francis, Sarah's dog, in the backyard and began to approach her. I got to the gate and entered their yard, before I heard the front door open.


I have to act quick before she notices me.

"Hello? Who's there?" I hear Sarah's 13 year-old sister, April, call out. I unlock her collar and step on a stick. Crack.

"I'm calling the cops!" is the last thing i hear before running back to my car with Franny in my arms.

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