Outlawed Ally

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                                        Angel woke up early to the sound of roaring, she opined her eyes to see an entire heard of Heaven Fliers passing over head. The black one was roaring to try to get the alphas attention. Eventually he did and the alpha hovered in front of him then smelled him, so Angel hid behind a rock and watched. The alpha that was just a little bit bigger then the rest with a yellow tint, flew back to the herd and told the black one to follow.

                                         With all his might the black one flapped his wings, but only to get about ten feet off the ground before slamming back to the ground. The alpha did not look amused, when he tried again and the same thing happed. He landed next to him and looked at his wings, he turned his head away before flying back up to the heard and started to lead them away. The black one started roaring even louder and went to the edge of the cove and clawing at the wall.

                                          Once they were out of sight he curdled into a ball and wined. Angel came out of hiding spot and all most felt bad for the little guy, "He cant fly so why wont help him?" she thought. Her stomach growled, she looked at the steam and saw there where fish swimming down it. She looked at the snapped vines and got an idea.

                                          A while later Angel had woven all the vines together and had made a net. She put it in the water and tide it to both ends, and after a while it had a lot fish in it. She pulled it out of the water and the fish flopped around in it, she gathered some wood but could seem to light the fire.

                                            She heard rustling behind her and turned around to see the black dragon grab a fish. "Hey! I said stay on your side!" she got up and yelled. He slowly tried to back away with the fish, trying to show he only wanted one. Angel was mad though and started walking towards him. He dropped the fish and shot a fire ball at her wood making them dance with flame. Angel looked at her fire then back at him. He pawed the fish, "Ok you can have that one." She picked up the rest of the fish and put them next to fire. His face lite up as he picked up the fish and hopped back over the stream and started eating it.

                                              After she was done eating she was at the stream getting a drink. Down the stream she saw the dragon drinking to, he looked up at her. They both looked away, but as Angel got up he glanced back at her.

                                              As Angel was trying to figguer out how she was going to got out of the cove as she heard a crash behind her. Turning around she saw the dragon getting up on a rock then shake his tail before jumping off it trying to glide. It did this again and again with the same thing happing every time. She watched him for a little bit by the stream, noticing that one wing looked bigger then the other, and probably heavier to. She though if there was a way to make them the same weight it'll be easier for him to fly.

                                                Being board she drew a backpack looking dragon vest in the sand, that wound go out to the wings balancing them out. Looking up she was starring into big blue eyes, that was starring at her drawing. Staying still she watched as he looked closer at her drawing from a perch rock. He hopped back down to his side and used his tail to slash the sand making marks. "How did you get stuck down here away?" she asked he looked back to her and looked like he was thinking.

                                                  He looked like he got an idea as he hopped on a rock, he puffed out his chest and made some growls and roars. Then he jumped off then rolled around in the dirt, Then he got back up acting like he didn't like that he was playing in the dirt. Then got back in the dirt only to get back up then go to the stream to wash off. After he was done cleaning up he went behind a bush, then jumped out spreading his wings to make him self look big and scary while roaring. Then he acted scared and ran to the pond and jumped on a branch over it and looked worried while calling back. Getting back to the shore he pawed at the air towards the branch, then jumping up and down while flapping his wings unable to get off the ground. then he jumped back on the branch pawing back, but then jump into the tree out of sight. He got to the shore roaring and crying, then getting of the sand he spread his wings again and was acting scary. Then acting sacred he ran to a hole and hide in it, then finally came back over to Angel. 

                                                     "So they left you because you couldn't fly huh?" she felt sorry for him. He made a huff sound as he laid down, Angel looked closer at his wings then got a crazy idea."Hmm if I can help you fly, can you get me out of this hole?" she got to eye level with him as he just looked confused. "If I can balance your wings out, could you fly me out of this hole? Do think you can do it?" he thought for a second before nodding, she looked back at her ruff sketch and tired to think how to make it better, but while she was looking down she felt something warm rubbing her head. The small black dragon was nuzzling her as a sine of respect, but she pulled away. 

 "OK! lets get started!" she got up.

                                                   "Oh, by the way I'm Angel, and, well I guess you need a name." she thought "How about Pitch? Short for Pitch Black Heaven Flier?" he jumped up and down liking the sound of it "Aright then lets get started," she walked over to the vines before she heard a roar behind her. She turned around to see Pitch on his back feet pawing on the other side of the stream for her. "You can come on my side now." she laughed, Pitch jumped over the stream and ran to her.

                                                        They pulled down the vines intel they got all of them. "Ok stand still." Pitch spred his wings as she mizerd.

                                                          "Come on, there's no time lose!" Gorgon yelled as his men got on board the ship. Titus was watching from afar, but soon after they left he walked threw the village.

                                                          About a hour later Titus saw croud people and walked threw it to see a man dressed in black walking towards him. The man toward over Titus as he handed a scroll "You have three days" he turned and walked away. Titus started reading it, "Its a ransom note." he said, "What do we do?" "The chief is gone." the crowd started talking, while Titus stared at the note, "Ill go," Titus said loud enough for everyone to hear, "But Titus, if we don't find Angel your all Shiy has left." A tall blond man stepped out of the crowd, "Its my fault she was taken, I should had protected her, and I have to make for it by bringing her back." He started pushing threw the crowd to his house. The same man ran up to him and tried to turn him around "Wait! You cant go al-" Titus flipped him over his shoulder, "ANY MORE OBJECTIONS?" Titus yelled becoming inpatient, everyone back away.

                                                             He pushed the door to his house open with his parents behind him, "Mother don't even try, I'm going, and I'm going alone," he packed his stuff. "Besides the note says to anyway."  he thought, but his mother said "I'm not going to try to stop you, like you said I wouldn't be able to anyway." he turned around confused, and his mother nodded to his father who then walked over to the mantle above the fire place. He took down the sword that was hanging over it, silver in color with golden highlights, he handed it to Titus. "I used this sword to protect your mother in a war many years ago, use it to save your'lady." he winked, Titus smiled at the sword, but  looked back up serious. "No I wont use it to save M'lady, I use it to save Angel." he turned away, but heard someone come down the steps.

                                                               "Are you leaving Titus?" Holden ran up to him, and he turned around "Ya, but I'll be back, back with Angel." he winked at him walking out the door. Then Titus's mother said "Holden please go back up stairs." and Holden quickly did.

                                                                "He better find her." she walked up to her husband. "If he doesn't are plan might be ruined." He looked to the window, and chuckled "Once there married, it will be set in stone."    

oh man I finished other chapter, I really like this story and hope you all like it to. DANGER ZONE!!!!!!! MAN I LOVE THAT SONG! I liessen to it on repeat for so long.  

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