I've Got Your Back

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                    "Titus! Is everyone off the island?" Angel appeared behind Crossfire who was gliding over the ships. "Yes, but we are not out of range of that dragon yet." he quickly remarked  turning to her. "About that, we have to go back and free it." she flew right next  to him. "What? There's to many of them we'll never get threw." he stated. "I know, but if we don't free it, they'll be free to destroy any island they please." she said as Pitch roared to him. "I'll do it alone if I have to." Pitch wings catgut the wind making them fly back, but Titus and Crossfire quickly did the same. "Angel you cant do it alone!" they hovered in front of each other. "I'm not alone, I have Pitch! And if you don't want to help that's fine with us." she crossed her arms. "I'm not let you get self killed." Titus blocked her way with Crossfire. "Then keep up!" they dove under them.

                       They pulled up before they hit the water and Angel looked back at Pitch, "We might not make it back buddy." Pitch snorted out smoke and put on his war face. "All, we have to do is free that dragon!" they picked up speed blazing toward them, but Angel looked up and saw Crossfire tailing them. "What's the plan Angel?" Titus called down to them. "We'll draw in there fire then have Crossfire cut the chains while there reloading!" she yelled back. "You got it!"

                       Angel and Pitch entered the field and quickly had to start dodging all the arrows and spears. They flew back and fourth between the ships that were the closest to the dragon, Angel also notice that the arrows that missed her hit the dragon, but didn't even scratch it.

                        Titus and Crossfire passed by them and started there plan, Crossfire put his wings in place as they passed they massive dragon, cutting both chains on that side clean. But Mender, who was now on the ship with the dragon, quickly knew what they were up to and said, "Forget the small one, all fire on the Timberjack!" he yelled and all his men reloaded and began to fire at Crossfire. Titus knew he couldn't get the other chains so they started to fly away with Angel and Pitch covering them as the flew away. They got of range and looked back to see the other ships getting in front of the dragon, putting it in the middle.

                        "Ok what's plan B?" Titus asked Angel hoping she had one. "Uh," She put her hand on the back of her neck. "You don't have a backup plan?!?" he yelled. "I'm making this up as I go! Were lucky I thought of the first one!" They started bickering at each other. But Angel glanced back at the ships and the dragon had a fire ball in its mouth. Angel kept starring intel Titus took notice and turned around. "We got this!" he yelled as it was released at them.

                         Crossfire pretended not be scared as he turned to his side, but as the fire ball went over his wing he couldn't take it and back out haft way threw. Pitch reacted quickly and flew up to get them out of the way, Angel watched as the fire ball landed in the water. She looked back at Titus and Crossfire were barely still in the air as Crossfire wings were badly burnet. "Hang In there!" Titus tried steering him to Shiy. Angel was about to help when she saw Mender about to hit the dragon with a big spear. "NO!" she yelled, but instead of trying to stop him she tried helping Crossfire get out of the way. 

                          They weren't fast enough though as the dragon released a smaller ball of fire at them. Titus looked at Angel  as it was flying at them, "Crossfire!" he called and he quickly knew what it was, he used the last of his strength to whack Angel and Pitch out of the way.

                           "TITUS! CROSSIFIRE!" Angel watched them get engulfed in the flame as it pushed them towards Shiy. Then when they got close it exploded launching them all the way to Shiy's beach, Angel all the while was chasing them.

                            Once threw the smoke they saw Crossfire haft in the water haft on the beach with Titus laying face up next to him. "Oh, Thor." she said right before they landed seeing them both red and black from burns. Angel ran over to Titus and Pitch jumped off her back and ran to Crossfires head.

                             "Titus!" she went to her knees and put his head in her hand, while Pitch pushed Crossfire's head out of the water. Angel grabbed his hand and held it to heart before she heard "I'm sorry..." Titus weakly said while opening his eyes looking at her, while Angel calmed down. "For what?" She started tearing up, Titus tighten his grip on her hand before saying and looked her in the eye. "For being a hero." Titus let go of her hand and closed his eyes. And for a moment there was silence. "You don't have to apologize," Angel tried to hold back her tears.

                               "Oh, so I was being dramatic for nothing?" He started laughing opening his eyes,  while Angel had a face of anger and relief. "If you ever do that again I'll kill you myself!!" she hugged him and he hugged her back. But he opened his eyes and Saw Crossfire "C-Crossfire," he let go of her and tried standing up, but Angel quickly put his arm around her shoulder and helped him over to his dragon.

                                  He hobbled back to ground right next to his face, he opened his eyes and smiled. "He's ok," Titus said with a sigh of relief. Pitch hopped back on her as they both looked towards the ships coming towards them. She got an idea, but she knew they probably wouldn't come back. "I gotta go before it's to late." she got to feet and Pitch spread his wings but before they took off. "Wait! Before you go." he grabbed her hand and she got back on her knees. "Titus, I love you, but not In-" she got cut off.

                                   Titus wrapped his arms around her and held her tight while saying. "I know, and I feel the same way, but that doesn't mean we cant just be friends."  Angel shed a tear as she hugged him back. Titus opened his eyes and saw Pitch starring at him. "Protect her." he whispered, then Pitch roar as they let go.

                                    Once in the air they were flying towards the ships again, she looked back at him and he smiled back. "Hey Pitch, you ready to be hero's?" she asked him and he fired in front of them leaving a smoke trail behind them. "FOR SHIY!

Sorry this is late again! ill be making a new schedule soon. Read a book, wait for Rtte season 6 and grab the popcorn! 




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