Youre not a mass murderer are you?

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HAILEYS. P.O.V ( Leaving Walmart )



"I paid for it so its actually mine. Too bad."

I told him waving my receipt in his face, giving him one last smirk before turning around and walking towards my car, laughing silently to myself the whole time.

I just played Harry Styles! It really was my lucky day. I reached my car and got in remembering to fasten my seat belt. Bet you didn't see that one coming but I'm a responsible driver. I chuckled again thinking about how he had looked at me in the store, totally dazed. I hadn't even used my puppy face and he had given the jar of nutella to me. He was so naive!

That wasn't the funniest though, no the funniest was how he had looked so pissed when he found out that I had dared to lie to him, a celebrity. I could almost see the smoke come out of his ears and nose. Ha! As if that would scare Hailey Anne Cunnington, I had faced the mafia without even flinching. Okay not literally, but I could totally do it. But seriously, his face was priceless! Still laughing at the naiveness (Is that a word?) of the player of One Direction, I found myself standing in the driveway of a big light blue house, its not quite a mansion but still impressive if you ask me.

Walking to the front door I noticed the lower half of a body hanging from the kitchen window, and no, my best friend is not some psycho murderer. At least not that I know of, though that could explain a lot......

" Hey Em, why are you hanging out of a window?" I asked watching as my best friend tried fruitlessly to wriggle herself through the window, contemplating whether to find my camera or not.

" Cause using the door is just too mainstream."

" You forgot your keys again didn't you?"

" You know me so well."

I laughed shaking my head at my best friend and reached under the welcome mat to fish out the extra key. Unlocking the door I threw down the bags in the hall and walked into the kitchen where the upper half of my best friend is stuck.

Dangling the keys in her face I asked.

"And you couldn't find the extra?"

She stops struggling and looks at me in awe.

" I looked everywhere for that damned key, where the hell did you find it?"

" Under the door mat, like always."

I raised an amused eyebrow at her, my best friend sure was a piece of work. I mean this is the fifth time that she forgot. This month! She tried one more time to pull herself through and failed, she looked at me pointedly. When I still didn't move she sighed in defeat.

" Hailey you super fantastic awesome and intelligent woman get me out of this window now!"

I chuckled at her reluctance to compliment me, shes always been like that she never even tells me if I look good when I ask if I look okay, apparently my ego is big enough without her inflating it. I usually tell her that its okay as long as I can get my head through the door but she doesn't seem to agree.

" Please could have done the trick, but thank you for the compliment."

I laughed at her sour face deciding that I've tortured her enough for forgetting the key. What would she had done if I didn't come when I did? She would have been stuck there all night, and the window was open someone could have gotten in! Sighing worriedly I went over and tugged on her arms till she( finally ) got free, falling down on the kitchen floor with a grunt. Making me laugh so badly that I had to sit down, she fell face first!

" Idiot."

She huffed and walked out of the kitchen, clearly annoyed with me.I stopped laughing and followed her out in the hall ( still chuckling though ) I gathered the shopping bags. No she didn't help me, that's what I get for pissing of her royal highness Emma Katherine Heart. We went into the living room and I began preparing all the stuff, chips and dip on the table together with the ice cream, the candy and of course the nutella. I also arranged the couch so that it faced the TV perfectly and got extra blankets and pillows. Satisfied I went back into the kitchen to pop some popcorn in the microwave.

When I was done popping the popcorn I went back into the living room seeing Em lying lazily on the couch. I plopped down beside her putting the popcorn on the table, just beside the nutella. Now let me explain whats going on, you see every Friday without fail for the last two years we've had this tradition where we meet up at Ems house and pig out while watching a horror movie, actually it may be more of a habit now since we've been doing it so long.

" Which movie did you choose?" I asked, not that I cared that much I had already seen them a hundred times before. I just wanted to see if she was still PMSing. I sighed in relief when she smiled, it would not be fun to be around her a whole night when she was in one of her 'moods'.


I perked up at that and turned my attention to the TV where the usual advertisements had begun, I loved the way Donald Pleasence played Michael Myers in Halloween it was just so realistic. Speaking of mass murderers.

" You wouldn't happen to be a psychotic murderer would you?" I asked her casually, I heard her gasp and looked at her. She looked genuinely offended at my question which was weird since she once pretty much accused me of stealing her nutella, our friendship wasn't the same for a long time after that, it took a lot of counseling to get over.

" I'm appalled you would even ask me that!" She all but shouted at me. Why was she making such a fuss?


"Yes! Of course I would let my best friend in on my plans who do you think I am?"

She told me with a grin that was borderline creepy. I grinned right back at her, of course she would tell me, she couldn't keep her mouth shut if she tried. She always told me everything.

" Sorry didn't think about that,"

I told her and turned my full attention to the TV, content with the way the conversation had turned out.















So........ Hey strangers!

sorry for the super late update, I've been really busy but I'm finally done.

its my little sisters birthday! she is 10 years old now  So we all went to this place called the diner

( we don't have diners in Denmark :( ) and my 12 years old little sister spilled some milkshake on herself, I took a tissue from that little holder thingy and gave it to her and she went all " That's what I like about Americans, they know that you're gonna need a tissue!" We don't have tissues at the table in Denmark ( I know, its quite sad ) at least not more than one pr person.

please tell me how it was in the comments.



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