Chapter 3

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Richie POV
Me and the guys are playing lugy at the quary and I won.
" s- so who goes f-fi-first " Bill said with his damn stutter.
" I will?" Said someone behind us. We turned around to see Y/N undressed and with her hair down. She never wears her hair down. She ran off the cliff and jumped into the water.
" What the fuck! We just got showed up by a girl!" I yelled jumping off the cliff. Right after me everyone does. We're splashing and having the time of our lives, that's a first.
Your POV
I'm having fun drowning Eddie and mocking him.
" I'm Eddie I know everything " I mocked in a squicky voice pushing him into the water.
" Please stop Y/N !" He cried. " Fine" I whined letting him back up. I go get my towel and lay down to get some sun. My eyes were closed but I know the boys are staring at me. I turned my head and they all looked away like nothing happened.
" Take I picture it'll last longer!" I laughed looking directly at Richie.
" I would if I could " he joked back.
A magical Time Skip by Writer-Chan ooooo
I look through my photos in the attic of my house. I come across a picture of my 7th birthday, where the worst thing that could ever happen happened.
" hiya Y/N! " said the clown. " hello " I shyly said. " Hey do you know where all your little friends are?!" He asked. " Yes outside in  the backyard wanna come and play! " I asked excitedly. " Yes" he said with a strange and sinister smile.
" Hey guys Bozo the Clown is here " I yelled excitedly. " ok kids for my first trick I'm going to show this pocket knife!" The clown said and pulled out a knife. My parents started to get a worried look on there face.
" Now I need a volunteer from the audience ah the girl in the blue" he said pointing to my friend Madeline.
" What's your name young girly " the clown asked in a Micky mouse voice. " Madeline " she said sweetly. " ok Madeline I want you to close your eyes and turn around " he said and she did. Next was he worst part the clown started to stab her 7 times.
" Who's next " he asked in his Micky voice. Everyone was running and screaming as the police came and arrested him. " ILL BE BACK " he yelled out to us as the police drove him away.
End of Flashback

The picture of that day is wobbly in my hands. Something's happening to it then Bozo the Clown jumps out of the picture.
" Hiya Y/N long time no see " he said in a sinister micky voice. I'm in shock, I can't move or breathe, I start to cry, I'm having an anxiety attack. I snapped back and noticed that he wasn't there instead there was a drop of blood coming from the ceiling . I slowly look up and screamed bloody murder, there was a clown but a different one. It was on the ceiling and it's head was on the wrong way. It opened it mouth and blood started coming out of it. I ran as fast as I could locking myself in my room.
I curled my knees up and try to calm down. What was that? How was that even possible?! I tried to piece together what happened until my bedroom window shattered. I brick flew through with a note.
" Open the fucking window " I read out loud.
I opened it and looked down, Richie was there with his bike throwing it on the ground.
" What!" I yelled so he could here me.
" I heard you screaming let me in " he yelled back. I walked down stairs and opened the door and beckoned him in.
" Come on its in the attic " I said taking his hand and dragging him up the stairs. We arrived at the door and just stand there.
" What's so bad that I have to go first. " Richie whined. " Because I want to make sure I'm not crazy " I shot back pushing him in the door. I walked in next, both staring in shock. The whole room was covered in blood.
Blood starts dripping from the ceiling and we slowly look up.  The was the same clown I was but with a bloody mouth.
We both scream and run to my room putting my bookshelf against the door.
" What the fuck was that!" Richie screamed shaking me.
" I don't know!" I screamed back.
" Yeah uh your on your own on this one Y/N, I'm just gunna go " he said climbing out the window.
I gotta tell the others, heck I gotta show them.
Hey mother truckers so chapter 3 wow! Chapter 4 is coming at you! Take it easy guys gals and non binary pals! Peace out. ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎

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