studying. george harrison

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**highschool au**

Y/n ran her fingers through her hair, looking in the mirror. She was getting ready for his classmate who was coming over to study for their finals with her. Y/n wasn't the best at English and her classmate wasn't the best at German..... Oh right, I should introduce her classmate.

George Harold Harrison; the shy, quiet student that was in the back of the classroom most of the time. He was absolutely gorgeous though, especially his eyebrows; his most defined facial feature. Of course, nearly nobody knew him, a few people here and there, like that charming McCartney fella and a few other people who Y/n had never saw before, but that didn't bother her.

Y/n was nervous actually about him coming over, even though she cleaned the house from top to bottom to make it look quite nice actually. Her mother was making them lovely little sandwiches to munch on as well while they studied.

"Y/n, your little friend is here!" She heard her mother shout from downstairs. Y/n combed her bangs to the right and out of her y/e/c orbs as she hopped up and ran downstairs to greet the quiet fella.

She opened the door and smiled softly, looking at George as he smiled back. "Hiya Y/n." He grinned as he stepped inside. "Are ya ready for finals?"

Y/n giggled lightly as she shook her head. "No, not at all actually." She curled her fingers at the hem of her skirt.

George chuckled quietly and smiled slightly. "So, shall we get studyin' aye?" 

He was a lot different than Y/n remembered him as. She remembered him as quiet and shy at all times, rarely talking, only when the teacher left the classroom or something. Then again, Y/n rarely talked to him and he was the one that actually asked her first if they could study together.

Y/n blinked out of her little daze she was in, nodding quickly. She grinned and nodded again. "Oh, yes! Right this way." She brought George to the sun room in the back of the house. Nobody went in there, there was really no need to be honest.

The room was an average size, round, and of course had many large windows on the sides of the room. The wallpaper was orange and complimented the sunlight that shined through the windows nicely.

Y/n sat on the fluffy rug in the middle of the room and got out her math textbook. George sat down across from her and got his German textbook out. They started studying together, helping each other on the subjects that were hardest for each other.

After about an hour, Y/n's mother came into the sun room with a bright smile and a tray with the little sandwiches she was preparing from earlier. Also on the tray was two large glasses of lemonade. She set the tray down as they thanked her and ate the sandwiches quietly.

"These are amazing!" George complimented her mother's cooking, grabbing another sandwich. He ate the sandwich quickly and got another one. Y/n laughed at this as she drank her lemonade.

George looked around the room, noticing all the little details, like there being a piano on the right, a few plants here and there, a large lamp in the corner hanging over a brown leather chair. He continued looking around and noticed a closet.

"Aye, what's in the closet?" He asked curiously, looking over at Y/n. Y/n looked back at him and shrugged honestly.

"I'm not sure to be honest.. We haven't opened that thing is probably years." She giggled.

"Well, let's find out." George smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her up with him. Y/n flushed red for half a second before getting dragged over to the closet by the handsome young male.

George opened the closet and a cloud of dust came out it seemed. The closet smelt absolutely awful! Just horrid, dust and cobwebs were everywhere too... Seemed like there was nothing there...

George suddenly grinned and let go of Y/n's hand before reaching over and grabbing a rectangular box that seemed to be tinted brown from dust. 'Ewww-' Y/n thought a she backed up, letting George get through to put the box down.

George whipped the dust off the box and looked over at Y/n. It was an old Monopoly game! How interesting, one of the originals too.. "Can we play?"

Y/n nodded and smiled, almost one hundred percent forgetting about their textbooks. "Sure! I would love to beat another poor victim." She laughed evilly.

George chuckled. "Oh, don't get your hopes up, Y/n. I always win at Monopoly," He said. Y/n laughed.

"We shall see then." She opened the box and set up the game board with George helping her.

After a couple hours, they were finally counting all their money to see who would win the game. While they were doing this, Y/n's cat sneaked up and peed on their notes, before meowing and begging from cat treats.

Y/n sniffed. "Do you smell something..?" She looked at George. George sniffed and looked back at her with a nod.

"Yeah.. Smells like piss." He looked behind them and saw Y/n's cat innocently looking at them.

Y/n growled and sat up. "Y/c/n!" She stood up and clapped her hands to shoo the cat away. Her cat meowed scared and skipped away quickly.

Y/n sighed. "Guess we have to rewrite our notes all over again." She smiled, looking at George. George shrugged and nodded with a soft chuckle before they started rewriting their notes, being careful of what was around them so they wouldn't have to rewrite.

++ fun fact: this is based off of what happened yesterday, cos me cat peed on me notes >:^

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