i. awake

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   The most peculiar thing about the coma of Ryan Summers was that her mother, Evelyn, seemed to be the calmest anyone had ever seen her.

   Even when the sixteen year old red head had been brought into the emergency room, with what most thought was an animal bite on the top of her shoulder,Evelyn was still in a state of calmness. No screaming, no sobbing, no outbursts. She seemed to be entirely in control and not stressed in the slightest.

   And that confused most people. Her only daughter, and only kid for that matter, was in a coma that nobody could wake her out of—no matter how many different surgeons and specialists tried. She had a animal bite that probably should have killed her, and wasn't responding to any treatment.

   Most people would react to that, even if it was just a single tear. But not Evelyn Summers. She continued to tell everyone that Ryan would be fine, and kept paying the stacking up hospital bills.

   Jonathan Summers had a much more emotional reaction to the news of his daughter's accident. Despite not living with Evelyn and Ryan, upon finding out about Ryan's condition he continually visited the hospital every day. Without fail. It was around six pm that Jonathan would make his appearance at his daughter's bedside, staying for what could be up to a few hours before heading in for the night.

   Evelyn only visited on occasion once every few weeks.

   Not one person in the town of Beacon Hills thought Evelyn's behaviour was normal, yet somehow it didn't exactly surprise some of the people who had known her for a long time. She had a history of mental health problems—starting when she was a teen, and peaking at the divorce from Jonathan when Ryan was a mere two years old. Being absent due to her mind wasn't uncommon for Evelyn.

   Ryan's friends ended up visiting the girl a whole lot more than her mother, and everyone knew Ryan would have been crushed if she knew how much her mother didn't seem to care.

   That's why it surprised many to see the appearance of Evelyn right after the awakening of Ryan—which nobody could explain. It seemed her brain simply decided to wake up, and that was all the surgeons could put it down too—Ryan didn't really care what had happened, she was simply thankful to not only be awake but to be free from the stupid repetitive tests her doctors had been doing.

   Evelyn had been at her daughter's side for the past two days, now that she had awoken. And Ryan was grateful for it—it was a weird scenario considering she had no memory of her six month long coma, the last thing she could recall was finding Lydia out on the lacrosse field and Peter biting them both.

   She also remembered the sound of Stiles' screams before everything went black, the shrill sound sent shivers down her spine.

   Ryan was grateful for her mother, yet she found it odd that she was hovering. She never used to do that. Ryan had gotten away with so much in her life and Evelyn never batted an eyelash, it was when she was at her dad's place that she ever actually got disciplined.

   She figured it was her mother's way of coping. Evelyn wouldn't let her out of her sight due to missing her for half a year, Ryan didn't want to think what it would have been like for the people she loved. She didn't know what she would have done if the roles were reversed.

   But Ryan had convinced her mom to let her go over to Allison's place. She had obviously seen all her friends before her discharge only a few hours ago, each of whom came into her ward and gave her hugs that nearly knocked the breath out of her.

   Although Ryan didn't essentially miss any of them due to the fact it didn't feel like she had been absent at all, she understood why they were all treating her with such care. Six months was a long time—and Ryan knew it must have been hell for them. Once again she thought about how shit it would have been if the roles were reversed—she would much rather herself be the one hurt than witness Stiles, Lydia, Allison or Scott in a coma that seemed permanent.

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