iii. interrupting

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   If there was one thing that Ryan Summers had come to regret, it was spending less time with Allison and Lydia before her coma.

   Although she would consider them both to be in her best friend circle, before everything happened the redhead had been keeping a massive secret from them both. Ryan knew the ins and outs of the supernatural world since Stiles opened his big mouth about it, but that didn't mean the other girls did. They were left in the dark.

   And in leaving them in the dark, it also meant that Ryan had almost seemed to leave them behind. Whether or not she wanted to—it was necessary. But that didn't mean it was easy.

   So, as soon as Allison had called her with a dilemma, Ryan had answered with the best intentions. She wanted to help in anyway she could, and maybe try and make up lost time in the process.

   The burn like marks that were on both Allison and Lydia's forearms may not have seemed like much to anyone else, but Allison was almost insistent that it was something —or that it meant it. 

   Ryan didn't need much convincing, because if it meant something to the girls then it meant something to her. And a mysterious woman leaving a code pushed into their skin was rather normal in comparison to the shit that Ryan had seen and been told about. Beacon Hills had a high standard for weird incidents, so much so that nothing really phased the redhead at this point.

   Both Lydia and Allison had told Ryan the story of how the marks found themselves on their arm. The woman had asked for Scott and then ran like her life depended on it, only leaving a weird impression on both girls and bruise like marks to prove it. 

   This was after a huge flock of birds flew right into the English classroom that Ryan was supposed to be in if she had not been at the hopsital. The classroom that Stiles, Lydia and Allison were all in.

   It was that incident that had Beacon Hills High talking, and Ryan didn't know if she should be grateful or pissed about it. With her first day being a mere few hours ago, pre-coma Ryan would have wanted all eyes on her, even if there had been an unexplainable animal incident that day.

   But Ryan now felt grateful. She was grateful that all her friends were okay, she was grateful that nobody cared that much that she was back from the almost dead, and she was grateful that nobody was focused on her and her coma for the time being. Albeit short bliss, it was still some sort of solace for her.

   So, Ryan was sat in the backseat of Allison's car, with Lydia and Allison herself in the front seats. They were headed to find Scott and Stiles, to see if maybe they could help them figure out what all this meant—the burn marks and the girl trying to find Scott like her life depended on it.

   Ryan felt slightly guilty at going to find the pair right now, considering they were currently at a party that Stiles had been talking about for a few days now. It was Heather's party—a girl which Stiles had known since nursery, and someone that Ryan didn't exactly get along with.

   The redhead didn't have a clue what Heather didn't like about her, all she knew was that the day Stiles introduced them at the mere age of six the blonde instantly had an issue. Ryan always put it down to jealousy—maybe Heather didn't like that Stiles was friends with another girl? Better yet best friends. 

   That was well over ten years ago though, and Ryan hadn't seen her since. This didn't mean it made it any less awkward that she was planning on crashing her birthday party. 

   Ryan was a lot stronger than she was back when she was six however, and quite frankly she wasn't in the mood for petty shit. If Heather had an issue with her still, after a decade, she was sure she could hash it out. Maybe it would make Ryan's day seem more normal, for she could deal with bitchy teenage girls a lot better than animal attacks and other supernatural weirdness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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