ii. plagued

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Ryan Summers had ended up back at the hospital.

On what was supposed to be her grand return to Beacon Hills High, a day that she had been psyching herself up for, the red head was stuck sitting in an exam room. Melissa Mccall had only just left the room with blood work in her hand and a calming smile on her face, which did nothing to ease Ryan's conscience.

Her head pounded worse than it ever had. It was like a migraine that wouldn't go away—and got worse every day. Ryan could barely open her eyes without a splitting sensation piercing behind them. It truly felt like someone was repeatedly whacking her skull.

While the rest of Ryan's friends would be all arriving at school, prepping for the English class that the majority of them had somehow snagged to be together in, the girl herself was sitting alone in a hospital room praying that Melissa could give her something to ease her pain.

Ryan was used to being alone, where her mother was concerned. Because despite the few seconds of interest she showed in hovering over her only daughter after the coma, Ryan's mother went right back to how she used to be. Absent and nonchalant.

When Ryan woke up in the morning, her mother's bedroom door was wide open with no Evelyn Summers in sight, and as per usual no explanation for the such. Had she gone to work? Had she skipped the country? Ryan would never know, which wasn't out of the ordinary.

The red head wasn't sure how that made her feel. Sometimes she craved a mother that cared about her life and inserted herself in it. But the freedom she had, Ryan knew so many people were envious of. Ryan did think however that she would have loved the soothing company of her mother for another hospital visit. She had texted Evelyn but was yet to receive a response—typically.

"Ryan," The red head opened her eyes and almost groaned at the pain that split through her skull. It wasn't even just at the front, it rotated right around her head. On every inch. The voice had come from Melissa Mccall, who held a small cup in her hand and a cautious expression on her face. She hovered in the doorway.

Ryan sent her a small smile, an encouragement to go on with whatever she wanted to say. If it had been any other member of the staff, then Ryan wouldn't be as concerned with being too nice. But this was Melissa Mccall—Scott's mother and the lady that had never once been anything other than kind to her.

"Here is the strongest stuff I can give you for now," Melissa held the cup full of a few pills out to Ryan, which the girl grabbed more quickly than was probably normal. "When we get your bloods back, we might know more. But at this point it might just be something else we don't know—we have done all the scans possible when you woke up. We'll just have to monitor you as time goes on, I wish I had a better answer for you."

Ryan knew that answer was coming. In truth, she didn't really know what she was expecting in this visit, her waking up was an anomaly and she figured the pain that throbbed in her head would be much the same. "Thanks for trying."

"There is something else."

Melissa looked even more cautious as she said this. Ryan narrowed her eyes slightly, unsure of what could possibly have been left unsaid.

"And I probably shouldn't be asking you—given your current state—but honestly, I'm new to all this and at a complete loss for what to do." And Ryan could tell that Melissa was desperate. Not just from the look of slight terror that glistened off her dark eyes, but the way the words fell out of her mouth incoherently, like she hadn't thought them through. It wasn't a state that Ryan had ever thought she had seen the composed, calm Melissa Mccall in.

Comatose ✿ Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now