Chapter 11

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**3 months later**

Andrew is doing great and is now home schooled because half his brain is dead. Lauren on the other hand is just 6 months away from giving birth to her child and today the baby kicked for the first time
Lauren: Alex!! Quick come here!!
Alex: WHAT!  WHAT!
he said as he was running in
Lauren: it's kicking!!! Alex calms down and gets soft eyes.
Alex: wow. That's so amazing! I can't believe we are going to parents of such a beautiful child. Does it hurt when it kicks?

Lauren: no! It kinda tickles actually!
Alex: hahah really?
Lauren: yes! It's such a great feeling!! Alex: what gender do you think it is?

Lauren: I hope it's a girl. So I can give her a lot of stuffies and give her bear bear one day!!
Alex: I hope it's a girl too. I'll always love her and give her anything when she needs it! And I'll make sure she doesn't date a boy until she's our age!!
Lauren: hahah whatever Alex.
Alex: I'm serious!

Later that night they were eating at Italian restraunt. And the baby kicks yet again. This time it kinda put Lauren in pain. Alexs sees her flinch
Alex: baby? You okay?
Lauren: yea.. It's kicking again but this time it hurts. I need to go to the bathroom. Stay here.
Alex: okay.
Lauren goes to the bathroom and then checks her belly. As she checked she saw it kick and she saw a small little foot go through a layer of skin. She has such a great feeling that she's going to be a mom.
Alex: are you okay?
Lauren: yes. Just a few kicks!
They finish eating go home and watch a movie then soon falls alseep.
*3 am that morning*

Lauren wakes up to....

sorry I haven't posted in so long but like why can we just take a minute.. we have 5k reads !! That's so amazing ily guys so much❤️

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