Mermaid Terms

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Fengo- friend (obviously since one chapter had it in the title XD)

Obea- breed of sea dragon, often are pets of Sarks, can be invisible (not for too long though), breath fire (depending on how warm it is), poisonous saliva (it paralyzes for about, ten minutes), can speak to humans and merfolk (because magics), turn into only ONE other animal on the land (to hide from humans), younger ones are 1 foot long, older ones can be up to 10 feet long

Gaddergnaw- feeding season of any marine life (examples- whales, lobster, fishes, dolphins, sharks, etc.)

Tummfraw- a dish of seaweed and clams, only for special occasions

Malcadh- "cursed" merfolk

Litha- small jewelry given to someone as a gift

Raghnaid- special flowers used in the Slaan Leat festival, very beautiful flowers, rare as well

Slaan Leat festival- a festival to honor dead merfolk

Lochin- Spirit of a dead merfolk

Drumlyn- small groups of objects offered to the lochin (often consists of gold, the mer's favorite food, pearls, other treasures, etc.)

Sark- merfolk with magical abilities, often are malcadhs, malcadh sarks are often killed

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