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David's POV

There I was getting ready for camp Campbell like always. Before I left for camp I took my meds. I walked out saying "another year". I went to my car driving it to camp Campbell. I walked out saying "Hi Gwen". Gwen mumbled saying"are you done yet". I was confused by what Gwen said "I thought it was obvious Davey". The woman aged saying"why are you always smiling all the fucking time". I said "well isn't it great to be positive". She said"well I'm positive that it's blinding to watch you smile. David said "WHRRE'S THAT SPIRIT GWEN WE MIGHT MEET SOME NEW CAMPERS AND-". She said "I do not fucking care about that shit David". I said "just a couple more hours till they come". She said "a couple I thought it was 2 minutes I woke up for no fucking reason". David said"just be glad you came here seeing new faces brings a smile on my face Gwen". She said "I fucking swear Davey". She sighed saying"can we just go somewhere I mean we have time to go out".

Gwen's POV

I said that a bit nervous. I said "we can't just wait here for hours Davey let's have some fun". He said "that's great Gwen". I smiled saying "thank you Davey". I held his hand and ran out of that fucking place called a camp. He said "GWEN WAIT UP". I ignored what he said and went for it. I said "a couple hours David it's alright we'll have time when we come back". I then winked at him. Then I looked at him saying "we have to deal with those little shits later". We had some fun and shit. We went back to camp as the bus came. Familiar faces came. Of course the lil shit Max is here. (More edgier than ever) The kids went to their tents as I said "this is gonna be a stressful summer". He said "c'mon Gwen where is that spir-" I said "I SWEAR TO GOD DAVID". He said "Gwen there's new faces around us maybe-". I said knowing what he was gonna say "no". He hugged me saying "I SAID NO". He said "then we'll go out tonight just the two of us". I blushed saying "O-Of course Davey". He went out doing his thing. I then went to just watch some TV. After all that stressful day I just got ready for this date for something. Is it a date I don't know. That lil shit came in as I said "what the hell do you want Max". He just said "oh I don't know mayb-" I said "aren't you supposed to be sleeping". He glared at me saying "I don't fucking care about you anyway and why do you care if I fucking sleep". He then left. I finished getting ready and just went out to go in David's car. As I looked at David saying "hey David" He said "you look beautiful tonight Gwen". He drove us to like this restaurant. I said "Davey". He looked at me saying "yes??" I then said "I-I-I have to eat". I ate the dish in front of me nervously sweating. He smiled saying "you're adorable". When we were done we went outside and then I kissed his cheek saying "I had-" I was caught off by Max saying"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" With his two buddies Nikki and Neil. When the fuck did they come here.

I blame you BrooklynStarz 

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