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My eyes snapped open as, on instinct, my arm slammed down on the buzzing alarm clock next to my head. Groaning, I sat up slowly, groggy from a lack of sleep after staying up too late on my phone. My room was pitch black, not a window in it to let in any sunlight. Then again, at six o’clock in the morning, it wasn’t like there was much sunlight at all to wake up to.

Immediately, I reached out and blindly grabbed my phone from the same spot on the nightstand that I always left it before going to sleep at night. Turning it on, I immediately cringed, but instead of adjusting the brightness I stared into the blinding light like some kind of masochist until my eyes adjusted. I didn’t expect many notifications, but force of habit made me check it every morning anyway. Other than a few notifications from Facebook and Twitter, the only thing noteworthy to me was a notification from my game stating that my stamina had been restored. Life was all in the tiny victories.

Somehow, ten minutes were already down the drain after some scrolling through my profile on Facebook. Mentally beating myself, I kicked back my covers, hissing silently as cold air raced up my shorts before letting it all out in a breath. Still stiff with sleep, I reluctantly stood up from my bed and flicked on the lights. Still, nothing special was revealed. My room was mostly empty, my bed against one wall with a nightstand and lamp on one side, a desk which was more a storage for miscellaneous junk than proper use stuck against the adjacent wall. There were some shelves on the wall opposite to the desk, but other than a trophy for second place in a school reading competition, a picture which was so dusty it was no longer visible, and an old stuffed wolf toy, it was populated by only dust bunnies. Sad to say, the rest of my apartment wasn’t much more to look at, despite how much time I spent sulking around it.

My phone buzzed in my hand, and I looked down, a little surprised. Turning the screen back on, I swiped it open to a new message from “Rogue Goddess”:

Morning, baby. I know I should be asleep right now and you’ll yell at me for being up, but I know you’re up and wanted to wish you a good day at work. I’m super proud of you! <3 Keep working hard.

I consider myself a hard egg to crack, but the text made me smile as I shot back a quick reply before walking out of my room and straight to the bathroom to take care of business.

Once I was finished, I walked into the kitchen/dining room. I never ate breakfast, but sometimes I liked to stare in the fridge and pretend there was food in it. Once I was done drooling, I went through the cupboards until I found a box of Pop-Tarts. Tearing open the foil, I pulled one out and held it in my mouth as I walked into the living room, which was openly connected to the kitchen/dining room. It was the only room in the house which had any view of the outside, with a balcony I’d never been bold enough to stand on overlooking a cracked street that was always busy with careless drivers and a beautiful view of the plain, brick apartment building on the other side of the street. Picking up the remote, I turned on the TV, at first playing the last of Adult Swim, but deciding to be a mature, responsible adult and turn on the news to make sure the world wasn’t ending just yet.

Sitting down on the two-seat sofa, I munched on my Pop-Tarts as I sent back a reply:

Thanks, beautiful. You always know how to bring some light to my day. But you really should try to get some sleep. It’s well past three over there. You need your beauty rest. :(

I hit send, then swept down on the screen and clicked on the game notification. Immediately, blaring music played in my face, nearly making me yelp in surprise as I quickly turned the volume down to zero. No matter how many times, every morning it always caught me off guard. Letting the news play in the background, I loaded my game up. I didn’t have much time, so I just collected my daily rewards and did a couple quick quests. I smiled inwardly as I noticed I had twenty orbs now. I had most of the heroes in the game, save some of the rarer and limited ones, but summoning new ones was always a thrill. I’d save it for later though.

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