Guess it's a party

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Alexa's POV:

It's late at night and I am getting ready to climb into bed when I see two suspicious cars drive by the house. I know its them. I race to Ella's room.

"Ella, wake up!" She looks up at me in a sleepy daze. "I need you to get in your closet and stay there. No matter what you hear do not come out until I come for you understood!" I pick her up and move her to the closet.

"Whats going on?" I can tell she scared by the sound of her voice.

"Just promise me you wont come out!" She nods her head but before I can close the doors she gives me a hug. "I love you." I whisper in her ear.

I close her closet doors and leave the room. I run back into my room closing and locking the door behind me. Although I know it won't help, it will at least buy me more time. I consider calling Chase but remember that this is my fight. I rummage through my drawer and pull out the box I was searching for.

I've been waiting in my room for the past few minutes when I hear people downstairs. They slowly make their way up the steps and I can see them try to open my door. I hear them picking the lock but I wait patiently.

As soon as my door flings open I tighten my hold on my knife and stab the first guy in the chest then kick him. He staggered back and fell over the railing. His buddies then come rushing into my room. "Guess its a party." I joked.

I punched the man in the face and kicked his hand sending his gun flying. I then kick him in his balls. "Hope your not allergic to nuts because I just kicked yours up into your throat." He crumbled to the floor in pain. 

The guy behind me tried to kick me down but I instantly turned around caught his leg and swiped his other leg witch made him fall back and crash into my mirror. Shards of glass scatter across my room. 

Another man that towers over me tried to grab me but I dodged and started throwing a round of punches at his face. He stumbled back but I lunged at him causing him to fall into my desk completely destroying it. "I liked that desk." I said punching the guy in his face once more even though hes already out cold.

I stood back up and turned around to a man coming at me with a knife. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back. The blade dug into his side. He yelled out in pain before falling to the ground. I was about to run out of the room but felt a gun being held to my back. "Fuck." I mutter under my breath. The man then hit me on the back of my head with the butt of his gun. Everything goes black.

Chase's POV:

I brought Ella over my house and asked my mother to take care of her and see if she knows anything. I called the boys and told them to get over as fast as possible. They should be here any minute but in the meantime I'll call Weasel. He is the best tec guy we have.


"Weasel come to the gang house as fast as possible. I have a job for you." I try to remain calm.

"I am in New Mexico on the job you sent me on yesterday and don't have any of my equipment with me."

"Forget about the mission ill send someone else. Now take the fastest flight you can back to California." I totally forgot about the mission in New Mexico.

"What do you need me to do when I get back?" He asks.

"I need you to find someone."


"I need you to find Alexa Johnson she has been kidnapped by Hell's Angels."

"As soon as I get there i'll be right on it. I'll find a flight right now. See you in a few hours." I hang up the phone. I know that he'll be able to it easily.

"Chase what's the emergency?" Aj and Cole both walk into the room.

"Alexa has been kidnapped by Hell's Angels. I've already called Weasel but it will take a few hours before he can get here." I am fuming with rage.

"What's the plan?" Cole asked

"We are going over to Alexa's to see if we can find any information." We take our guns and head next door.

I push open the broken door and step inside the boys right behind me. We pass by a guy lying on the ground with a knife in his chest. "I would not want to be that guy." Cole said while walking up the steps.

"Damn! What the hell happened in here?" Aj asked in shock of the conditon of her room. 

"Alexa happened." Both boys stood with dropped jaws. There are 2 guys in here that are out cold and I think that the third one is already dead. He has a shard of glass from what I believe was a mirror impaling him.

I walk over to the big man laying in the remains of Alexa's desk. "We'll grab him and the one with the knife in his back and take them to the gang house." Cole and I dragged the big guy to the car and threw him in the back.

"Guy's we have a problem." Aj walked out of the house empty handed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The guy lost too much blood. He's not gonna make it much longer."

"Leave him he's no good to us then. Lets go." Aj closes Alexa's door and gets into his car.

1 hour and a half later

"Wake up." I nudge the big guy with my foot. The man moans in pain. He slowly opens his eyes and jumps when he sees me. "Where am I?" He tries to get up but hes tied down to a chair.

"I have a few questions to ask you." I say.

"Why should I tell you anything?"

"Because if you don't I'll kill you." I held a gun up to his head. "Now where were you taking Alexa?"

"Fuck Off." He spat. I lowered my gun and shot him in the leg.

"I don't have time for this! Now do you wanna tell me where you were gonna take Alexa?" I have very little patience.

"I don't know! All I was told was that I was to get the girl in the car!" He yelled out.

"Your no use to me then." I storm out of the room. I turn to Cole and hand him my gun. "Kill him." Cole disappears into the room.

"All that goddamn waiting for that pansy to wake up and he was useless!" I yell. 

"Chase!" Aj runs down the hall after me. "Weasel arrived 30 minutes ago. He has found where they are keeping Alexa."

I stop and look Aj right in the eye. "Inform the men to arm up we are leaving on a rescue mission tonight."

Author's Notes: 

I am sorry for leaving you all hanging on a cliff hanger last chapter. I love writing for you all and hope to continue this story. I want to thank everyone that has read my book so far. I love you all.  

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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