Creepy Crispy Cakes

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"Please," Dan pleaded, looking up at Phil who was stood before him, wearing his emoji pyjama bottoms and a spoopy shirt. "I'm doing it so you should too! We can match!"

Phil sighed, rolling his eyes and sitting beside Dan. He cuddled into the brown-eyed boy's side, running his hands over the black sweater that he always wore.

"Fine... But I get to operate the phone camera plus you owe me another bag of the giant marshmallows." Phil giggled, doing his famous smile with teeth.

"You always win me over," Dan replied, pulling the smug boy closer to him, "plus you eat far too many of those marshmallows, you ought to go on a diet." He leapt up as he said that, knowing the consequences.

The look on Phil's face was priceless. He followed Dan, chasing him around the kitchen and upstairs until finally he managed to grab his arm and pull him onto the ground.

"Take that back or else!" Phil exclaimed, kneeling over Dan and pinning him down. The boy only grinned back at him, muttering;

"Or else what?"

That was it.

Phil reached down and began tickling him in all the spots he knew were vulnerable. His neck, stomach, legs. Dan was a laughing mess, wriggling around and trying to get free from Phil's trap, but to no avail.

"Okay... OKAY. I take it back Phil. You can have all the marshmallows. I'll build you a marshmallow sculpture! Just please stop!"

Immediately Phil stopped his torture and lay down beside Dan, smiling in victory.

"I will hold your word to that. I suppose we should film the video then."

Dan groaned, wrapping his arms and legs around Phil's whole body and squeezing tight.

"But... Sloth?"

The blue-eyed boy looked into his puppy dog eyes and shook his head sadly.

"No Danny, video first."

Phil stood up, pulling Dan up with him. They walked into their bedroom, changed into jeans, removed their shirt and sweater and changed into their handmade Halloween conjoined sweater, not realising something.

"Um Phil..." Dan said, "How are we supposed to walk downstairs?"

"I swear our baking videos end up gayer each year," Dan said, grabbing one of his Frankenstein's monster crispy cake creations. He walked to the sitting room and slumped down on the sofa, now changed back into his black sweater.

"I can't help it okay, I just say things and they happen to sound sexual!" Phil was cleaning up the kitchen, this time it was his job because Dan would be later cooking their dinner.

"Yeah right! I side with the phandom, they all think you are doing it on purpose."

Phil laughed, grabbing the plate full of the rest of the treats they had just baked and joining Dan on the sofa.

"Since when do you agree with the phandom, unless it's about me being cute of course."

Dan gasped and laughed at this quote from Phil, looking over and seeing that he was grinning to himself and taking a bite from Dan's brain crispy cake.

"Ouch Phil!!!"

Phil looked at Dan, a worried expression on his face.

"What? Are you okay???" He rested his hand on Dan's arm and looked at him, only to see him laughing. "What???"

"Phil, oh my God, you are so gullible. You bit into my brain!" Dan exclaimed, pointing at the crispy cake.

Phil's face blushed a dark red and he shoved Dan, only making him laugh harder.

"Dan! I was worried okay, stop laughing please..."

Dan rolled his eyes and pulled Phil into him, hugging him tight.

"I'm sorry baby, it was just too good."

Phil fake sniffled and cuddled further into Dan's side, nuzzling against his arm.

"I love you Dan," Phil said softly, closing his eyes.

Dan smiled to himself, stroking Phil's arm slowly.

"I love you too Philly."

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