Lazy Day (Steve Rogers)

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You wake up due to the sunlight coming through your window. You roll over to snuggle up to your boyfriend Steve Rogers, but he's not there…..go figure. You figured he was out for a run so you pull on one of his shirts over your tank top and open your door to go make yourself some breakfast. As you open the door you smell bacon being cooked. Once you make it out to the kitchen you see Steve beat you to breakfast. You walk up behind him and stand on your tip toes and lean your head between his neck and shoulder.

“Morning darling” Steve says with a chuckle

“Good morning love, breakfast smells good” you say as you kiss his cheek. You walk away to get some coffee. Once you have your coffee you sit on the counter next to where Steve is cooking.

“Is that my shirt” he asks with a smirk

“You mean our shirt” you giggle “and yes it is.” Steve playfully rolls his eyes and leans in to give you a kiss.

“You left before i could get morning cuddles” you say with a playful pout. Steve chuckles.

“Well i don't have anything planned today so you can get all the cuddles you want” he says as he dishes up breakfast.

After breakfast you and Steve sit on the couch watch movies and cuddle for the rest of the day. As the evening nears you yawn and stand up Steve follows you with eyes.
"What are you doing?" He askes in reply you rub your tummy meaning you want food as walk away to get food Steve pulls you back down and walks to kitchen. A few minutes later he comes back with two bowls of chili and you guys watch another movie.

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