Chapter 2: How strange

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Author's note:Ok first off hi. This is a back story of what happened to Keith. Sorry for not updating in a few days. Ok that's all for now so bye
Bold-Keith's thoughts
Italics- writing
Lotor picked Keith up off  the floor and brought him to the lab placing him on the operation table. "What could be going on inside your head right now, I wonder. In fact I think I'll see for myself. Narti let me see what's going on in his head will you."

In Keith's mind:
Shiro was back, everything was suppose to go back to normal. (* cough cough Besides the fact that they were still in space, fighting evil purple space cats. Cough cough *) Keith would go back to red, Lance to blue, and Allura would pilot the ship. But no, the black lion wasn't responding to Shiro. That meant Keith was stuck with the black lion, stuck being the leader and he did not want that.
So Keith went to talk to the team. "Guys can we talk." "Sure Keith what's up" said Lance. " well it's about Voltron" said Keith quietly, but all the team heard him. " What about Voltron, one of the lions didn't break somehow did they" said Coran worriedly."No no the lions are fine, it's just who is piloting them." Keith was already regretting his decision to talk about he true feelings but there was no backing out now.
"Keith is this about the whole teams role or just yours" Shiro said harshly.
Everyone was surprised with Shiro's tone of voice, but not Keith, he was expecting it. " yah maybe it is" he said bitterly. Everyone stud up and walked over to Keith. "Keith this is hard for all of us to adjust to, but there's nothing we can do but live with it" said Allura calmly " yah come on Keith, I've gotten used to red and it took me some time to." Said Lance sincerely.
"But I'm not like you guys, I'm not good at connecting with people or lions, like you said I'm the loner and I like it like that." Keith felt like he was about to cry but he held it back he had to be strong.
Keith need to leave now if he talked anymore everyone would see how weak he really is on the inside. "I got to go" Keith said trying to escape his feelings. "No, no, no, I know that look Keith, we need to talk about this. You can't keep things like this locked up in your mind all the time." Shiro said calmly at the same time signaling the team to help block the doors so he would talk, but he knew Keith was already in a bad state. "Yah Keith talk to us, we will understand anything you say" said hunk and pidge at the same time. " I said I need to go guys, let me go." Keith was at his breaking point already he didn't need everyone around him.
"No Keith we need to talk" Shiro said. Everyone cornered Keith all telling him the same thing along the line of "it's ok, we understand, everything is alright". Keith was trying to stay calm but it wasn't working.


Everyone looked at Keith in shock and fright. Keith was standing there with purple skin shaking. "I told you I needed to leave" he said with a sad tone of voice. "Keith how is this possible" Shiro said shocked. He tried to reach out to touch Keith's shoulder, "GET AWAY! DON'T TOUCH ME!" Keith yelled and the team.
"Keith calm down we already know you were part Gulra there's no need to be upset." Hunk said giving a reassuring smile. "Yah Hunk is right, it was just surprising to see you... you know more gulra than usual. I never guessed being part gulra would mean you were able to .....go purple..." Lance said trying to make a joke out of this situation.
"Ok that's creepy, I've never heard Keith laugh like this" Lance said disturbed. "Same" pidge said "is this normal, shiro you seem to know Keith better than all of us so is this normal." "No I've never seen this before I knew he was part gulra but that's it, Keith can you her me?" Shiro said worriedly, reaching out to Keith.
"Hahaha, Yes...... I can hear you. But don't you know your part gulra too shiro?" Keith said sadly but then continue laughing.
Everyone was terrified at Keith's statement. They looked at Keith and see him falling. Do to the streets of it all he had fainted. The team bring him to the healing pods and then they take but little did they know Keith could still hear them.
"What was that!" Lance said in a frantic walk."I don't know, but it was terrifying. Did you see him, he looked just like a gulra." Allura said bluntly. "Agreed" the team all had the same thoughts on Keith's new found form. Keith had turned back to normal by now but no one was over what had happened. The room was silent.
Their scared of me they will never trust or care about me again. I should leave, leave and never come back. No I am loved, I'm important to this team. They won't leave..... " What are we going to do if others find out about this. No one will want to join our group of one of the members of voltron are gulra. Everyone would freak out."
"I hate to say it but Lance is right, Keith will have to stay on the ship 24/7. Since we don't know what causes this reaction." Shiro said sadly. The room was silent, with our an other word the team left the room. No they hate me I have to leave they don't want me here.
With that Keith opened the pod and went to his room to grab the few things he had, like his clothes, boots, and knife. He got to his room and took off his armor and put his put his normal clothes on before leaving he decided to leave a note. It said the following:
Dear team,
After what happened I have decided to leave Voltron. Shiro will have to find a way to pilot the black lion. Like you all said I'm scary and I will scare others. That is why I'm leaving don't try and find me please this is for the best.
Sincerely, Keith Kogane

With that he left his room and got to the escape pods and left the ship. After flying for and hour looking for a safe planet Keith fond himself in the middle of and asteroid belt. With little control of the pod Keith got hit with one of the asteroids and blacked out the last thing he saw was a ship flying close by.
End of the memory
"Oh you poor little half breed, I thought I sensed something different about you compared to the others. With a little work, persuasion, and a message to your so called 'friends' I think you could become one of us."

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