Chapter 3: The Prodject

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Bolded words are what Keith is thinking-

To be honest Lotor had no clue how to get Keith on his side, he wanted Keith to join them for multiple reasons
1. He is a half breed like him and his team.
2. He is a good fighter and pilot.
3. He is going through the same thing he has.
4. He was like a lost child, he would die anywhere else.
5. He could use this against Voltron.
It would take time of course but Lotor knew Keith would join him soon enough.

It was cold and quiet. I open my eyes to see I couldn't move. Looking around I see someone is the room but I couldn't see them yet.
"Looks like your awake. That's good it's better to be conscious, it makes it much easier than if your unconscious it also goes faster.
Lotor! What does he have planned? I don't have a good feeling about this. Looking up I see a what looks like lightning coming off an orb. I really have a bad feeling about this. But I have to be strong, don't show fear.
"What are you planning Lotor!" Keith said. "You'll know soon enough." With that Lotor left.
Nothing happened for a while, there was no noise but the buzzing of the lightning from the ceiling. Then I hear the door open again. Must be Lotor, what does he want? To torture me for information? That won't work. I don't know any special information.
"You know we have more in common then you think Keith." Lotor said calmly. "Ok one, what do you mean. Two, how do you know my name." Keith said. "To answers your questions, you and your team aren't very secretive on your names. As for your second question, your a half breed like me. That's why your here." Lotor said with a smirk. "The preparations are finished, this will hurt...... a lot." Lotor said turning around to leave.
"What do you mea... ahhhhhhhhh!" The lightning came down and hitting Keith.
That heart a lot! Ow I still can't move so I just have to take it.
————————————————————————Time skip brought to you by a purple space cats ————————————————————————
This has gone on for I don't know how long, all I know is that the shocks are getting stronger. There also a pattern to it. Any time there's a light there's a shock but the lights are in an order. Red, purple, white, green, blue, yellow, then everything goes black. It's the only thing that I can see and it makes me dizzy but I can't look away.
(If you can't tell Keith is getting brainwashed or hypnotized like you see in movies)
I need to get out of here! Everyone is probably looking for me. Wait, who would be look for me? What am I even doing here. Wait! What can't I remember why I'm here!? Ok think what, why am I here. No nothing all I can think about is getting out. This is just getting annoying, first I can't remember why I'm here, next I keep getting shocked and lastly I still don't know how to get out. Wait, what's my name...! Everything when black
Lotor looked at Keith who was now a blank slate. No memory just instinct, the only way to get his memories back it if Lotor gave them to him.

Me~ Ok hi I am so sorry about not posting this character sooner I just didn't have any ideas I don't know what I'm doing with this. If you couldn't tell this is my first story ever. Sorry again I'll try not to do this again, oh and by the way I'm thinking of the next chapter or two will be with team Voltron and their side of things. Ok bye now

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