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It has been hours since Jewls left. Did I upset her? I went to Maka and Soul to see if she was with them.  I knocked on the door and Maka opened it.

"Oh hey Cas! What's up?" Maka asked with a smile.

"Have you seen Jewls?" I asked her.

"No I haven't why?" She wondered.

"She said she was going for a walk but that was four hours ago." I sighed with worry.

"You coud always try Kid's place simce she was best friends with Liz and Patty." Maka advised. "But I am coming with you just let me, let Soul know."

"Okay." I sighed as Maka stepped in side. I screwed up.

"Hey Cas." Soul smiled with his pointed teeth.

"Hey Soul. You coming to find Jewls too?" I ask him.

"Yeah. She's a friend so of course I am. So, what did you do?" He asked me.

"I may or may not have kissed her." I smirked at that thought. "But that was four hours ago."

"Well come on. Let's go check Kid's place." Maka sighed. Soul high fived me, he knows I love Jewls. We followed Maka to Kid's mansion. I guess being the son of the reaper comes with perks. Maka knocked on Kid's door and Patty opened the door.

"Where's Jewls?" Patty asked.

"That's what we were about to ask you." I sighed.

"Cas what the hell did you do?" She asked pissed.

"I kissed her." I slowly backed up. Then Patty bursted out laughing.

"Jewls would not run away becuase you kissed her because most likely she kissed back." Patty stopped laughing. "We shpuld check with Lord Death, more than likely she went on her own personal mission to finally get her brother. She always said once I get powerful enough I am going to get my little brother."

"That means she found her lair." I thought out loud. "Fuck." Then I ran off in the direction of the DWMA.

"Cas!" Maka yelled. I ran with every ounce of energy in my body. Prehaps Lord Death does know something, hopefully anyway. It didn't take long to get to the DWMA at the pace I was going. I ran through the school and into the Death Room.

"Lord Death." I said out of breath.

"Hiya Cas. Let me guess ots about where Jewls went off to?" He asked.

"Yes it is." I sighed.

"She went on a personal mission that she must go on alone." He sighed.
Lord Death's POV

"Lord Death!" Jewls said walking in.

"Hiya! What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Lord Death, I am leaving for a while. I will probably be gone till after the test." She told me.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"I am going to get my brother by myself." She looked down then at my mask.

"Why are you not taking Cas with you?" I asked with worry.

"I need to do this alone and when he comes looking for me don't tell him where I am at. Don't let anyone know. I just can't take it anymore. Thinking of my with her, she is going to end up killing him. When I was three I had to mature because I was the one takimg care of Crona. I was more of a mother to him than she was. I left when he was seven. I never had a  childhood, but I gave Crona his. Every scrape, scar and wound I was the one there to patch it up. That's why I have to go alone and if Cas does try to find me please restrain him." She told me.

To Hell and Back: A Soul Eater Fan Fic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now