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Xu Minghao

❝ I wake up to see someone's arms wrapped around my waist.
I turn my head around and see Junhui sleeping peacefully.
I let out a scream.
Junhui springs up and asks me what's wrong.
'Stay away from me!' ❞

"Are you okay?" Junhui says again.
"No! Did you touch me?!" Minghao struggles to get out of his bed.
"I didn't-"
"Please stay away from me." Minghao stands up, away from Junhui.
"I'm sorry."
There was silence.
"Did I say anything to you last night?" Minghao asks.
"No." Junhui lied.
More silence.
"Sorry." Minghao says and leaves the room. Junhui trails from behind.
"Please don't follow me."
"Do you know where the door is?"
Minghao stays silent. "No."
Junhui chuckles and leads him to the door.
"Sorry." Minghao says. "See you later?"
"There won't be a later." Junhui mutters and Minghao feels his heart breaking.
"What?" He says.
"N-Nothing. See you." And then Junhui slams the door in Minghao's face.
"I'm such a-" Minghao sighs to himself and gets out his phone.
He starts walking home whilst researching about ways on how to cut the red strings of fate.
When he came home, he found someone that can cut the red strings of fate.
'Looks kinda sketchy.' Minghao thinks to himself. 'But it's better than nothing.'
In the end, Minghao and the other emailed each other before meeting up.

- It's my birthday bitches -

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