What the Hell is Going On?

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What. The. Fuck?!

That one question was still running through Dec's mind as he stared down at himself - not believing that it was real. He reached up and grabbed a bit of skin between two fingers and gave it a very hard pinch.

Ouch.....not a dream then.....

That just left him even more confused: if this wasn't a dream, then how was he both standing next to the bed, and IN the bed at the same time?

Then, he remembered something that his brother Dermott had once told him about out-of-body-experiences. He said they sometimes happened when people had been seriously ill or injured - and when they were close to dying.

Jeez: not exactly a comforting thought.

The sound of footsteps behind him brought Dec out of his thoughts, and he turned around to see a figure approaching from down the corridor. As he kept watching, the doors to the ICU opened to reveal a bloodied and bruised Ant.

Oh, thank God!

"Ant! Thank God you're alright" he exclaimed, relief swamping him at the sight of his best friend.

Ant didn't reply, and Dec had to remind himself that no one could see or hear him right now. He almost growled in frustration, but he forced the feeling down and went back to watching his friend.

A tightly stitched gash stuck out starkly against the pale skin of Ant's cheek, dried blood from the wound still visible on his shirt. Bruises of varying shades littered his face and neck - one particularly nasty-looking one just above his eyebrow made Dec wince at the sight of it. His left hand was bandaged, and he was walking a little stiffly - as if there were other injuries under his clothes that Dec couldn't see. Otherwise, his friend looked enviously unscathed.

Despite knowing that Ant couldn't hear him, Dec still decided to try and communicate with him.

"Mate, please tell me you can hear me?" It was a long shot, and - deep down - he knew it wouldn't work, but there was still a little disappointment when Ant continued to ignore him.

Instead, his friend walked somewhat unsteadily over to the bed, eyes fixed - horrified - on the motionless figure in it.

Dec followed his gaze, and let out a humourless chuckle.

"Yeah, I look a bit of a state, hey? Perfect Halloween material though, don't you think?" Despite the situation, a little humour had snuck through into his voice.

"Oh, Declan" Ant whispered, eyes shining and lip trembling.

Dec's own eyes turned sad as he watched his friend stop next to his bed, a shaking hand reaching up and taking his own.

"Man, I wish you could hear me" Dec whispered, voice nearly breaking along with his heart as he watched Ant struggle to hold himself together.

At that moment, the curtain was pulled back - startling the pair of them - and a white-coated woman stepped through into the cubicle. She had a friendly face, with intelligent, kind eyes. Upon seeing Ant, she smiled as she closed the curtain behind her. As she entered, Ant stood to meet her, blinking away his tears.

"You must be Anthony" the coated woman greeted, holding out a hand.

Ant shook it briefly, before letting his hand drop to his side - a questioning look coming over his face.

The doctor sighed - as if reading the younger man's mind - and gestured for him to take a seat on a chair next to the bed.

Oh man; if I ever needed to be outright told I'm screwed......

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