Epilogue: All Is Well

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(2 weeks later.....)

The night of the NTAs had rolled around, and - once again - the boys had been nominated. They were sitting in Dec's room at the hospital (which he had been moved to a few days after he'd regained consciousness), chatting excitedly about the awards that would be taking place in about two hours time. Ant was suited up and ready to head off - he was just waiting for Joe's text when he arrived.

"It's gonna be real weird if we do get it and I have to go up there by meself" Ant had confided in Dec earlier that afternoon, as he'd buttoned up his dress shirt.

Dec had smiled at him, a bit of an odd look in his eyes.

"Don't stress, mate. You'll do great" he'd assured, grabbing his own phone from the side table and flicking through it distractedly.

Ant had hummed in response, and moved on to tying his tie.

Eventually, the time came for Ant to head off, and - after Dec promised him that he would be watching on the TV in his room - he'd waved goodbye to his friend and walked out of the room.

Dec watched him go, neck straining to be sure that Ant was out of sight before he unlocked his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Finding the one he was looking for, he sent a quick message:

The pea has left the pod. Let's get this party started!

He sat back and waited impatiently for their reply, which came a few minutes later.

Idiot. Just as well I love you xx

Dec grinned at that, and he threw back the covers on his bed, reaching into one of the cabinets for a bag that had been dropped off earlier that afternoon - before Ant's arrival.

Unzipping it, his smile got even broader at the sight of its contents. Hands shaking a little with repressed excitement, he pulled out the black suit and dress shirt, before reaching under the bed and grabbing a ratty shoe box - which he had assured Ant contained some old pictures and a few memories from home that he had asked his mam to bring down.

In reality, Ali had brought it in, and they actually contained his black dress shoes.

It took him slightly longer than usual to get dressed - since he had to dress around the cast and sling on his arm - but he was eventually suited up and ready to go.

Just in time, he thought, as no sooner had he finished strapping on his shoes, there was a knock at the door.

He turned around and caught sight of his wife - looking positively stunning, as usual, he smiled to himself. She smiled broadly and bent down to kiss his hair, before standing back and holding out her hand.

Dec took it, and - with a cheeky grin - whispered excitedly "Let's get ready to rhumble."

Ali laughed out loud, shaking her head fondly as she followed her husband out the door and out of the hospital.


"And, the National Television Award goes to......"

If he was completely honest, Ant was rather bored. Lisa had - unfortunately - been taken ill, and so he was alone at the ceremony. Aside from the crew behind him, and the celebrities from last year's camp, there wasn't really anyone to talk to.

Normally, he and Dec would whisper to each other as each award was announced, hoping that their votes would win the prize. Or they would banter back and forward between themselves, and laugh at the outrageous jokes that Dermot was telling on stage.

The NTAs were usually one of his favourite nights of the year, but he just wasn't feeling it tonight. It didn't feel right, without Dec by his side.

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