The Call

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"H-hi, this is Kat from the bookstore, is this Jessie?" I ask into the phone. I hear some shuffling and voices.

"Yeah, this is Jessie, I didn't think you would call to be honest" she let out an awkward laugh and I fake one as well.

"Well I just wanted to confirm, so goodbye I guess" I say trying to end the awkward tension.

"Wait! Don't go. I wanted to ask if you were busy this weekend? Maybe we could...hang out or something..." this caught me off guard.

" I'm not busy. We can totally hang out, I just have to see if my mom can watch my sister but other than that yes, I would like to go with you." I say reassuring her. I hear a faint squeal and I smile.

"That's awesome, I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school then. Bye, Katarina"

"Bye." I sigh in relief as the awkwardness has left. She's really pretty if I haven't mentioned, I need to get to know her more.

Pfft, who am I kidding? She would never like me, not someone this big. She'd get made fun of for dating me. Dating? Please, maybe friends. She would still get made fun of, being with the awkward fat kid. That's me, the awkward fat kid. I will always be.
"Thank you for joining me" she said as she pulled out my chair, that's weird.

"No problem, I had nothing to do this weekend anyway" I say as I try to think of topics to talk about. I'm so bad at small talk.

"How's your sister?" She asked and I was confused as to how she knew I had a sister.

"How did you know I had a sister?" She giggles.

"Over the phone remember? You said if your mom couldn't watch your sister you couldn't come." I said and I felt absolutely stupid.

"Oh yeah, I remember now. I feel stupid now" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Don't feel stupid. You're not stupid, you just made a simple mistake. It's alright." I scoffed.

"Yeah, I make "simple mistakes" all the time" I say with air quotes. She scrunches her face.

"What do you mean?" I just shook my head. I'm not doing this today.

"Anyway, why did you want me to come here?" Her face fell.

"Oh, um. I just wanted to talk 's all" I nodded and looked around the room. I saw she ordered me some food, I didn't feel like eating now. I'm huge as it is.

I thank the waiter and Jessie as I pick at my food. It's spaghetti.

"I didn't know what you'd like so I ordered what most people like, is that alright with you?" She says sheepishly.

"Yeah, yeah it's totally fine." I'm not going to eat this, but I feel bad. We make small talk as I eat tiny bites, I can give it to Azalea.

In minutes we were both done and The Sun was setting.

"I'll pay, I invited you so you don't deserve to pay" she reassures when I try to reach for my wallet. I try to protest once more but she already has her card in the waiters hand.

She was given her card back and we went outside. "Thank you for tonight Jessie. It was nice"

"You're welcome Katarina, thank you for coming."

"Kat" I corrected.

"Excuse me?"

"Call me Kat, not Katarina. Too formal" I laughed and she joined.

"Alright, Kat. Drive safe" she says and I say it back.

This girl has me falling.

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