Everything Is Fine

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"You're so beautiful" Jessie hummed as she twirled my hair. I shifted in between her legs and I looked up at her laughing.

"Shut up, I am not" I laughed and looked down at my hands, not really thinking it was funny anymore.

"Yes you are so don't argue with me. I know you're stressed about your mom but we're going to be okay. Trust me we are. You turn 18 tomorrow, I have our apartment and as soon as tomorrow comes we will be living a perfect life with you  sister. Nothing can ruin this." Jessie reassured me.

"I...love you. And nothing can stop that"

"And I love you Caterina"

Quick kisses were received and given as Azalea bounded into the room. We pulled apart and I pulled Azalea into my lap and hugged her close.

"Azalea, when we get home tonight I need you to help me put some things into bags alright? You need to grab all of your toys and help me out okay?" She nodded into my chest and I thought it was time to go home. It was getting late and it was nearly time for her to go to bed.

"I love you so much Jessie, as soon as it is 12:00 I am out of there, please be there."

"I will be sweetie, don't panic" she ruffled Azaleas hair and we left.

As soon as we were in the door I laid Azalea in her room and grabbed all of her toys and put them into a small pile next to her bed.

I grabbed the few bags I had in my closet and started stuffing clothes into it, I combined our few clothes we had and started on valuables and books.

In the end we only had 7 bags along with our bags for school. I sighed and turned off Azaleas light. Only 3 hours to go until I leave this place forever.

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