11- "This rage is gonna get you killed." -Hershel Greene

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▌│█║▌║▌║ Author's Note ║▌║▌║█│▌

Dear Walkers,

Yeah, I kind of suck at updating this story, eh? -_-

So sorry for the 3 month wait but hey! I'm updating now! Please let me know if anything is weird or wrong... I kinda sorta forgot what's happenning! O.O oops.

I really hope you guys like this chapter. I'm going to be stuck on a plane for a bit, bored as hell, so hopefully I can get a few chapters out of that? Also, It's summer here! Maybe I'll have enough time to finish while I'm being a lazy person in my room? (no promises! I have no idea how this book will end, still trying to figure it out! o.o)

Please correct me on any mistakes I made, story wise or grammar wise! I really need it! lol :3

Happy Zombie Reading!


▌│█║▌║▌║ Eleven ║▌║▌║█│▌

We think one of Carl's ribs are broken. Rick agrees to carry him on his back when we got to the subway. My ankle is healed almost entirely, but the scratches on my skin are bright red and puffy and sting as Erik spreads ointment on them. 

"I don't need it," I hiss at him, grabbing his arm tightly trying to ignore the pain, "I told you they're fine."

"It will help them heal faster," he argues, placing a sheet of gauze on the scratches and wrapping tape around it to hold it in place. He screws the lid back on the ointment tube and helps me off of the tiled floor.

"The subway is approximately 3 miles from here," Dale continues to examine the map, "so it will take us around 45 minutes to an hour to get there if we keep a fast pace."

"The faster the better guys," Rick announces, "stay quick on your feet."

Erik leaves to use the restroom and Daryl walks over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Is Erik being an asshole?"

I laugh and take his hand off of me playfully, "he says he 'forgives me'."

Daryl chuckles and looks at my ankle, "your scratches doing ok?"

I nod and Erik comes out of the restroom, making his way over to Daryl and I. Daryl groans and places a quick kiss on my cheek, which clearly angers Erik, but he doesn't dare say anything to him.

"Let's get going," Daryl says. Rick carries Carl on his back behind Daryl, then Dale, Carol, Merle, and then Erik and I at the back of the group. We walk at a fast speed, all keeping our eyes out for walkers. There's none to be seen so far. I wonder if the fence actually kept the walkers out?

"So, you and Daryl.." Erik begins.

"We've already been over this," I stop him, "There is nothing going on between us."


"But what? You don't trust me?" I ask. I feel a pang of guilt. I kow there's something going on between Daryl and I. What happened in the car, what happened in his bed....

"No, I'm sorry," Erik apologizes, "I trust you. What was I thinking."

I shake my head and look at the ground. Do I actually like Erik? Why don't I just call it off with him and be with Daryl? I know it's what I want. Erik totally forgot about me when this whole apocalypse thing started and when we find each other in a coincidence, he acts like he never left? What the hell am I thinking?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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