Act 1

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You'd think I forgotten you Dark Dan? You thought I'd be dead, but boy were you wrong. AblazingPhil saved me from the Ashes. I expected far worse damage by you! It just proves my theory. You're weak. You're worse than any Dark Lord I've ever seen.

Darth Vader. Kylo Ren. Hah! Even Ethan the Gaylord is better than you. To think that adorable ball of cuteness is even more powerful than yourself. And he's far younger than you too. Must be all the work he did in the closet. He never got out of it until only recently. 

Anyway Daniel, I take it you found this note of mine. Orlando, Florida. 2 weeks. Me and you. 1 on 1. Hope you're up for it. Unless of course, you're an absolute coward and choose not to show up; as usual. 


Interactive Ira
Saviour of Phantasia

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