Act 3: The rise of AntiDesieye

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DarkDan's POV
It certainly helps that I have friends from the Underwood Academy of Dark Arts. They certainly have their own strengths of various dark powers.

I should approach AntiDesieye. She had Antisepticeye as a mentor. She was best in class for 3 years straight. I was amazed she didn't sign on with the Dark Forces.  She has so much power that can help defeat Interactive Ira. If only she knew the perks of joining me.

AntiDesieye's POV
Wow, DarkDan likes my abilities! Too bad Backflip Boy and Antisepticeye knew that way earlier than he did.

I took on Backflip Boy several months ago in Crankland with the help of several members of the Cranky Crew that I had taken as slaves as well as Antisepticeye. I was amazed Anti was willing to work with me, given that he had mentored me a lot at the Underwood Academy. Backflip Boy lost easily thanks to my green goup gun. From what I remembered, he banished to the Dark Realm...Or so I heard.

To join forces with DarkDan to face off against Interactive Ira is a hard task given how powerful Ira is. Maybe I should call my back up. That'll make Dan's job a whole lot easier.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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