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GARETH HAD CHOSEN Martin and Mark to go drop off Bob whilst everyone else got ready to attack the group. They all moved around frantically, grabbing guns and knives, whilst I sat staring at Bobs burnt leg still on the fire. I couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt wash over me as I stared, I could've gotten them to stop.

I should've gotten them to eat me but for what? Bob was going to die anyway but I still couldn't stop the feeling of shame take over me. Gareth stepped into my view, crouching down so he was level with me, with a smirk on his face that made me want to lash out at him.

"Right then roadrunner" he started grabbing my arms, despite my struggling to push him off, and tying them together in front of me "You are really special right now, perhaps the only time you'll ever be special, because we need you to draw Rick out so I can bash his god damn brains in."

"Screw you" I spat out, leaning forwards to try and threaten him but he just laughed. I watched his every movement, as he brought his hand to his chin to scratch it before quickly snapping it forwards and forcefully colliding his fist with my jaw. I grunted as he head flew to the side, spitting out blood as it moved. I huffed out of my nose and turned back to Gareth, who had a shit eating grin on his face, and spat more blood towards his feet.

"Screw you" I aggressively breathed out before opening and closing my mouth slightly to check if anything was broken.

"Still not the answer I wanted" Gareth whispered, turning his head to the side before striking again but this time catching under my left eye.

My head swung back, tears starting to form from the eye making the world half fuzzy, and burning sensation erupted from my under eye making me instantly know that a bruise was forming. Still I sat up again, glaring straight into Gareth's eyes. I could feel the anger in me starting to get more and more intense, like a fire catching onto my feet and rising up slowly engulfing me in hostility. It wouldn't be long until I snapped, like before with the group I murdered.

"I'm going to kill you" I ground out, a deep growl sounding from my throat, with my teeth grinding together "I'm going to fucking rip you apart"

Gareth scoffed, standing up and walking over to meet Martin and Mark that had just returned to camp. The fire was kicked out, darkness enveloping around me, and I was pulled up to stand. I struggled against the strong hold, grunting when I felt the grip on my arm tighten and a breath hitting my ear.

"We need you to shut up and stay shut up until we say" Gregg growled into my ear, his hot breath warming up my ear and neck making me try and move away but he kept his hold on me strong. "And no wriggling"

"Lets go!" Gareth ordered loudly, waving his arm to call everyone over. "We got some people to make examples of, and I kill Rick!"

I chose not to say anything, the pain from my jaw and eye proving that I should keep my mouth shut but it was just so difficult to keep my anger bay. It was like boiling water, eventually spilling over the top of the pan if unchecked and I felt my anger bubbling right on the rim.

Greg shoved me forwards, letting me fall forwards slightly before he caught my arm and whipped me back to him, making my a quiet pop sound from my shoulder. I didn't scream, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction, instead I bit the insides of my mouth until I tasted the metallic twang of blood.

Gareth led the way, everyone following him without question like sheep being led to the slaughter. That was what was going to happen to them, from what I knew about the changed Rick was that he always had a plan for everything. Bob would've told them all about what Gareth was doing that was a given, so now it was all up to Rick to protect his family.

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