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DAD WAS ALREADY sat outside when we all filled out of the house. I let go of Noah's hand as he went down the stairs with Tara before leaning against the banister near dad. I nodded at him. Something about this place wasn't sitting well with Dad, I don't think it was sitting well with me either.

The two of us had been out in the woods for so long that it almost felt like home to us, Dad especially. Adjusting to this life that I'd never even imagined living in was going to take time. Rick was the last to step out of the door, glancing at the two of us with a sigh. Rick seemed to be doing alright, better than some of us.

"They said explore" Dad and I glanced at him "So let's explore"

He was trying to make dad try, like Carol wanted him to. Shifting his weight, Dad shook his head. I chewed on my nail as I looked away, watching everyone make their way down the street in twos. I kept a close eye on Noah as he joked along with Glenn and Tara.

"Nah, I'll stay" he muttered, bringing his legs up and loosely hugging them with his arms.

I head Rick sigh, at least he tried. I turned to face him, taking note of the exasperation on his face as he stared at me. I too shook my head, scrunching my nose at the idea of exploring this place.

"I ain't leaving dad" I muttered. Rick shook his head at us and stepped forwards. Letting my hockey stick rest against the banister, I sat down and let my legs stretch out in front of me.

"Lori and me, we used to drive through neighborhoods like this" Rick recalled, staring out into the street as a woman walking a dog past by. "Thinking one day..."

I never thought about living in a place like this. Sure, now being here, it would've been nice to have this space growing up but it didn't feel right. Where dad, Merle and I lived was practically made for us. It was on the outskirts of the woods, and allowed me to feel free. These houses didn't do that.

"Well here we are" dad rasped out. Rick glanced at him before nodding and walking down the steps away from the porch. It left dad and I sitting in silence as he picked up his crossbow and started messing with it.

Eventually dad stood up with a huff and left me sat on the porch as he went inside. I didn't say anything as he left, just watched him slam the door behind him. He really wasn't adjusting well, I'd have to get Carol to talk to him. I had a feeling I would only make him mad.

Pulling myself to a stand, I scooped up my hockey stick and stepped over towards the stairs. I didn't feel like sitting with my back to the strange community, having the house behind me was better. Slumping down with a sigh, I rested my hockey stick over my knee and pulled my knife out. Might as well sharpen it whilst I have the chance.

"You one of the newbies"

A quiet voice asked out of nowhere. Looking up from my hockey stick, I raised an eyebrow at the girl standing in front of me. She looked around Carl's age, her face serious and real. Something about her seemed different compared to the other people of Alexandria, the way she held herself. Tensed and ready to defend. I noticed the knife hanging off her hip, good to know she wasn't scared of them.

"What about it?" I bluntly replied, others would flinch at the tone but not her. She just adjusted the bag on her back before glancing around.

"How long were you out there?" She finally asked, I scoffed and put my knife away. Moving my hockey stick to rest against the stairs, at my movement the girl quickly sat down next to me. I glanced at her, getting a cigarette from my pocket.

"Why should I tell you?" I shot back, using a match to light the cigarette. Taking a drag, I puffed out the smoke away from the girl before speaking again "I don't even know you?"

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