Chapter 1

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Hi, if you're expecting a story with deep plot, I think you need to look for another. Honestly, I think this story is pwp (ya know, porn without plot


Phil went inside his flat, coldness and darkness welcomed him. He removes his drenched coat and throws it into the couch and then he accompanied his coat with his own body. The slow tick tack of rain outside is adding to the gloomy aura of his flat. He turns on the lights and look around on his living room, too big apartment for one person.

He is broken hearted and confused, actually he don’t feel the sadness to consume him when his girlfriend Sarah broke up with him and spat out those words, ‘God, you’re dating me and then you’ll say, you’re also into men and you find them more appealing than me?! You’re disgusting.’ He received a painful slap on his cheek after that, the sky seems to mock him about his break up because it rained really hard after that. The slap is not the bad thing about their break up, it’s about those words that she said, ‘You’re disgusting.’ He thought that because she is his girlfriend, she’ll understand what Phil is going to tell her, they are going out for about eight months now. He didn’t think that Sarah is that kind of person.

He ran his hand through his soaking wet hair, the couch will be probably smelled disgusting if he will not going to get up and remove his very wet body and coat. He stands up, picking his coat in the process and he throws it on the laundry basket, joining a pile of dirty clothes. He went inside his bathroom and strip down, letting all of his clothes and under garment fall into the ground, he pick them up and throw it outside, he’ll deal with them later.

Coldness hit his naked body, he stare at his reflection on the big mirror; pale skin, skinny body, gunmetal blue eyes staring back at him and stupid jet black hair, sticking on of his face. He thought he really loved Sarah and she is the one, but one time he realized something. Something that will change his whole life, he is attracted to men. It hit him like a hurricane, Sarah is seducing him at the moment and he can’t reciprocate the lust she is giving, he made a good excuse at the moment and then it happened again, he couldn’t do it, another excuse and it did well again. However he cannot live on excuses for his whole life if he wanted their relationship to last. He is still struggling why that thing is happening, he don’t have any idea about what the hell is wrong with him, he is okay with masturbating with girls on the magazines and porn DVD’s when he is in high school. Something made him change.  

It started with a dream, someone with wings of a bat approach him. It’s a guy and he start to touch his body all over, whispering soothing and sweet words into his ear. When the guy with the bat wings kissed him, he felt lust raging in him; he kissed him back and starts to attack the guy. It felt good, really good even if they are just kissing. Nothing more explicit happened, just kiss. Every time, he’ll dream of kissing the same guy, over and over again and then he’ll wake up with a hard erection.

He closed his eyes and the unclear image of the guy appears on his mind, dark hair, same style as him, he has a taller built than him and his eyes are brown. Phil start to touch his own body slowly trying to arouse himself, he put one of his fingers on his mouth and suck on it and then slowly he put it on his cock and tease himself. He gnaw his bottom lip when he felt himself getting hard, he pump himself slowly, squeezing lightly every time and then he pick up the speed. The friction between his hand and cock feels amazing, the pre-cum helps him to move his hands at a fast speed. Phil move his other hand towards his balls and start to play with it, the image of the strange guy is still stuck on his head, he want to do this to him. He wanted that guy to writhe in pleasure beneath him. His breathe came in short gasp as he near his climax. He pick up the speed more as fast as his hand can do, he let out a string of curses as he let out all of his seed on his hand.

“I like it.”

He snapped his eyes open and saw someone standing behind him, he turn back but there’s no one there, just a wall of tiles. “I’m here.” He heard the voice again and he snaps his head on the mirror. There standing on his back on the mirror is the guy from his dreams, his wings draw out and his image is as clear as the sun. His hair looks like a color auburn, perhaps because of the lighting, his clear brown eyes staring at his sweaty naked body, his face handsome and he is smiling, dimples showing. Phil starts to panic, how he can go inside his flat and also he is just an imaginary creature on his dream, he gulp and start to ask.

“Who are you? How did you get in here?”

The bat-winged man, extends his hand and touch Phil’s neck, his nails are painted in black. Phil turned to look at his back again but still no one is standing there. “I’m here for you.” He answered and lifts his hand towards Phil’s cheeks, “I’m going to grant all of your desires.” He added and scratch Phil’s cheek, it turned red but no blood gush out.

Phil blinks a hundred of times but the man didn’t disappear, the pain that he felt on his cheek when he scratched him feel real, he is not dreaming he concluded, maybe he is hallucinating because of sexual frustration.

“I am Dan, an Incubus.” Dan lean down on Phil’s neck and whispered those words, every words that got out of his mouth made his body shiver, “I’m a nightmare.” He added and a chill ran down on Phil’s spine. “We’ll meet again.” With that Dan disappeared like a bubble popping out in the air.

Phil exhales, he is hallucinating. He opens the shower and let the cold water hit his body, he need to sleep and forget anything that happened earlier.

After cleaning himself, he went to his kitchen and got a canned beer, he wants to sleep but he is not tired yet, and maybe a good number of canned beers will knock him out. Five cans later, he can feel his eyes getting heavy. He went to his room, lay down and within a minute he is sleeping.


umm.. wattpad changed the rating to R.. (After I finished writing chapter 2.)

comment? vote? (idk man, maybe if u like to)

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