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Ravens P.O.V
As I stirred the hot steamy soup over the stove the steam swept up hitting my face a feeling that I hated. I hated it because it reminded me of time with my Father, time that I did not enjoy what so ever. I quickly swept the smoke out of my face using my my hand. The few moments of peace I had were nice but they didn't last. Beast Boy stumbled into the kitchen tripping over a ball he himself had left on the floor. he avoided the fall swiftly grasping on to the dinner table.
"Hey Rae, what smells so good in here?!"
"Not you that's for sure, you could definitely use a shower."
Beast boy turned his head to smell his shirt quickly turning away, shrugging.
"So what are you making?"
"Chicken noodle soup." I said rolling my eyes.
"Ew, chicken!"
"I'm aware your a vegetarian, so good thing this soup isn't for you!"
"Well then, who is it for?"
"Me! I feel like crap, and the fact that you're here isn't helping at all!"
"My bad, enjoy you're soup, and sorry for bothering you!"
I looked up at him briefly in anger. My anger went away quickly. Beast Boy has been really down since the whole thing with Terra happened. He's been trying his best to keep busy to get his mind off her, which kept the rest of us pretty annoyed. I returned to my soup using my powers to get a bowl from the cabinet placing gently in my hand. Grabbing the ladle I poured my soup into the bowl grabbing a spoon and heading to the roof. I enjoyed the view from up there it calmed my mind and relinquished my thoughts. Leaving me peacefully at ease. Before I could make my way to the roof Starfire stopped me in the hall.
"Hello Raven, what is that you carry?"
"It's soup Star."
"May I have some of the soup!"
"Sure Star there's some in the kitchen help yourself."
"Thank you, friend Raven, I am ever so pleased to try the soup." I smiled sliding past Starfire. I finally made it up to the roof only to find Beast Boy sitting on the edge of the roof. I made my way to the edge and sat down next to him. He wiped his eyes with his arm, letting me know he had been crying.
"Oh, hey Raven!"
"Hey Beast Boy. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I- -I- - I'm fine." I grabbed his chin pulling it towards me.
"Please don't lie to me. You don't exactly look fine Beast Boy. You can talk to me if you need to you know."
"So you can make fun of me? No thank Raven, honestly if you wanna help go away!" I was hurt by what he said but I knew the only reason he said it was because he was hurt too,
"Fine then I'll leave!" Quickly after his remark he took the form of a parrot flying away into the dark sky.


I hadn't left my room since last night I had gotten worse. Migraine after migraine, throw up after throw up, not to mention the worst part, I couldn't use my powers. I heard rapid knocking on my door.
"Hey Rae, can I come in?" I was surprised to hear Beast Boys voice. I had been thinking about his out burst all night.
"Come in."
Beast Boy opened the door letting himself in.
"I just wanted to apologize Raven. I am so sorry I blew up at you like that it's just— —
"Yeah I know Beast Boy I get it's no big deal."
"Yes it is, I had no reason to do that i mean it's not like you did anything, it's not like you smashed open my heart, or played with my feelings!" Beast Boy was rambling and pacing. As he turned his face was in front of mine, I felt something strange as I faces were there, it wasn't a bad kind of strange it was a tingling stomach sinking amazing feeling and I liked it. In that moment it felt like we were the only to people in the world I quickly leaned in to kiss him. His cheeks turned completely pink as did mine.
"Umm...... what was that for?"
"Nothing, I just felt like it!" Beast Boy smirked turning his cheeks pink again.
"Let me know when you feel like it again" his remark widened my eyes turning my, cheeks pink. Beast Boy turned around as he did the room began to blur, until eventually it was just black.

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