Soul Dome

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Beast Boys P.O.V
I headed straight to Ravens room once I figured it out, doing the same thing I did last time to get in.
"Beast Boy, if you don't get the hell out of my room and leave me alone I will throw you out the fucking window!"
"Do it, but I have to talk to you first! I know why you're upset so just talk to me!"
"Oh really why am I upset Beast Boy?!"
"Trigon, that's why you're upset!"
      "Get Out!!!! NOW BEAST BOY!!!!"
      "BECAUSE HE's GONNA KILL YOU!!!" My expression changed I was no longer mad or upset, I was happy I was aware of what Raven said. Yet I was still happy, happy because she told me, happy cause I knew she was why she was acting strange. She was crying but I was smiling. I walked over to her and sat beside her on the bed. I brought her closer afraid of being punched again but instead she laid her head on my shoulder as I hugged her.
"You wanna tell me what Trigon did to make you so upset?!"
      "Not really."
      "Okay, we can talk about it later but your gonna have to tell me eventually."
Raven looked up at me, she was seemingly sad, but she was wearing another emotion, not one that id'e ever seen before. I was kind of urged to kiss her, so I did. I was lucky that she didn't throw me out the window like she had warned, instead she just kissed back, for a really long time. After the kiss ended she got off the bed, and walked over to the other side where I was.
     "Umm, so uh, Trigon showed up after you left the roof the other day. He uh, he told me that love is for the weak, and that I had embarrassed him enough. So he said that if I didn't stop being around you, he would kill you, and make sure you ended up in the soul dome. It's this place where souls go to get tortured, and there's no way out, so you'd be tortured for all of eternity."
      "Oh, well umm, ok don't worry we'll figure it out."
      "No we won't, we can't beat Trigon, you should just leave."
      "I'm good, but thanks, and I'm not gonna stop being around you, like it or not!?" Before I knew it Raven had thrown me out the window, full blast I was in such shock that I didn't try to save myself, instead I just drowned there, slowly sinking to the ocean floor.

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