What Really Happened

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So it's legit been like two years so umm glad to be back :) sorry for the very very long, wait umm, yea, happy reading.

"Do you really believe that boy loves you raven, I mean after all who could ever love a demon."
"I don't know do you truly believe that you can tell me what to do Trigon?"
"COULD HAVE FOOLED ME!!" my anger swelled up and I could feel an overwhelming need to destroy something, anything.
"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO RULE BY MY SIDE! TOGETHER WE COULD HAVE CONQUERED EVERYTHING, BUT YOU REFUSED ME!" Trigon continued to grow colder his true intentions seeping through his allusion of concern.
"How could I not after all who could ever love a demon." I relaxed myself and hid all my emotion away as I said it. I recalled the time when Trigon had asked me to join him. That evil and cold presence that made me reject him. I remembered the true reason I had decided to become who I am.
"Fine have it your way!" Trigons eyes became a glowing yellow and his evil presence intensified. Before I knew it the room literally started to deteriorate leaving nothing but a black empty space. He quickly reached for my arm but a large Astro projection I had made stopped his arm.
"Haha." Trigon laughed.
"Don't forget yourself you are not stronger than me!" I simply rose my head as I watched him break from my grip. A red fury rose to my eyes as I began to levetate over him.
"There it is, the demon has finally come out to play." Trigon smirked before laughing maniacally.
"You know if you were really so strong you wouldn't need me!" I yelled as I went in for a punch. He quickly evaded the hit rapidly growing in size before I knew it he was towering over me.
"You will never learn will you?" I looked at him angrily. My fury rising.
"You will never defeat me I am immortal! There is no getting rid of me! But you- I don't need you Raven! I WANT you to join my army so we could take over this wretched world! Father and daughter with our powers even your lesser ones we would be unstoppable!" A simple groan emerged from my mouth as Trigon fired his eyes at me snapping me out of the air and sticking me in front of his face.
"This is your last chance Raven join me now! Or face the consequences? Your choice." I looked at him a red boiling in my eyes. As my mouth began to form the words I wanted to throw at him.
"Never— AZARATH METRIOS"— I was cut off as Trigon smacked me across the face releasing me from his tight grip. The fury in him grew and grew until finally he let out a roar. Dodging everything I threw at him and sending it back with an immense intensity.
"GO BACK TO HELL AND LEAVE ME BE TRIGON!" IF IM SUCH A DISGRACE TGEN LEAVE ME ALONE! THATS ALL IVE EVER WANTED FOR YOU TO LEAVE ME ALOOOONE!!!" As I yelled the dark area began to shake and I could feel an over whelming darkness consume me before I knew it I was floating over Trigon again. A bizzare feeling took over as I raised my hands and hit him with everything I had. I fell out of the air and I could feel Trigon catch me. I could barely fathom to stand up let alone continue to fight him. He looked at me almost surprised before reaching his hand to touch his arm. I could see a liquid falling from his red fiery skin.
"Impressive. You made me bleed. Maybe you aren't so useless after all. I'll leave you with this. Can't have you trying to get away now can I." Trigon looked at me before muttering an incantation. I looked back at him in despair before feeling and intense overwhelming pain in my wrists. The pain was so intense that I yelled in agony a large bellow that shook the darkness once more. I was brought to the brink of passing out but not before I could here trigon mutter in my ear...
"Just remember the boy will never love you anymore than you could ever love me." After he spoke he disappeared and so did his allusion sending me back to my room with an extremely concerned beast boy and tears falling down my face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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