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Beast Boy's P.O.V
"Hey Rae do you wanna get some pizza later?! Rae?" I turned around to find Raven on the floor. She wasn't moving, she wasn't breathing, she was just lying there. All of a sudden I couldn't move all I could do was watch her lay there. I could hear muffled sounds the waves hitting the rocks outside the tower, the sound of the birds flying past, and the sound of Raven's heart, it was beating, but she wasn't breathing. I walked over to her and sat myself on the floor crossing my legs. I put her head on my thigh and I sat there it must've been hours, but I didn't care. I looked out the window, it was dark out. The stars were twinkling and it reminded me of how Ravens eyes sparkle when she's happy. I had laid Raven on the bed
so she'd be more comfortable when she woke up, but she hadn't woken up, I was beginning to worry. As I leaned on the glass wall, I looked over to the clock, it read 8:53. Just before I could sit down on the bed I heard knocking on the door.
"Raven??Have you seen Beast Boy, we haven't seen him all day?" I knew it was Robin judging by his voice.
"Yeah I'm in here Robin!"
"Beast Boy?"
"Yes, Robin who else!"
"Is Raven in there?" I looked over to Raven who was on the bed and a frown formed on my face as I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, Ravens in here!"
"Umm...... Yeah, alright I'll see you guys later!?" I could hear Robins footsteps as he headed for the kitchen, and yet again I was interrupted from sitting on the bed! This time it was because of Raven. She was waking up.
"Raven?" She was moving around until eventually she opened her eyes.
"Beast Boy?"
"What happened?"
"Umm...... I'm actually not sure I was about to leave your room and then I turned around to ask you if you wanted to get some pizza with me, and I saw you on the floor. I kinda just stayed here to wait for you to wake up. So do you want Cyborg to check you out and see if it's anything serious?"
"No thanks I'm fine. Thanks for staying with me by the way!" Raven smiled and looked at me I could tell she was happy by her eyes, they were sparkling!
"No problem, Rae!"
"Hey! Can we reschedule that pizza for tomorrow?!"
"Yeah, that'd be awesome! I'll see you tomorrow Rae!" I headed for the door and made my way to my room. I hadn't really thought about much since the Terra thing. Finally being able to get over it is something good. Besides I know I can trust Raven. I'm glad she's doing well now.

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